kirktv blog - episode copy seanson three show 17

kirk tv season on three show 17

hecklers list :

dude do you come with a warning label: beware of asswipe??

did u go off ur meds again ???

sock monkey flies by: wheeee! I love green eggs and hammm - sam I'am...wheee....intro song: (American Idiot)

hye everybody----look out !!

>>>>>>cougar runs acorss the screen>>>

i guess it thats time again -- its 11-30 - ur wathcing ch 57 and its monday night -- the kirk tv cougar reminds us to own our divine powers and gifts and use them wisely>>>

so take ur meds and try not to act out -- and watch me -- kirk tv -- its 2007>>>>>> everyones paranoid and on meds bro --so --  its ok -- >>>>>> they finally got my mix right---- ~and ah I'am feeling good!!!!!

i took the "RED" pill tonight -- and iam in the rabbit hole -- hhehso whats it gonna be ??bamm the blue pill or the red pill??

hey man -- 

I put a spell on u -- why >? because ur mine....

dont ever say....that nobody loves you....

kirk tv here -- your psychic medicine man -- and tv shaman !!

hey everybody!! surround yourself with angels...iam kirk tv sending you love -- light and peace....

to get things started...

and now a word about -- 

split personalities - in my  1975 fake tv news commentator voice 

and multiple personalities...ok man -- listen to me -- 

blue pajamas and my blog>>>>>>>>>>

@my space....

get a pen and paer cuz///.....

i feel sorry for the peole that only have one or two persoanlities -- 

hahaa ok man)) why only have one or two -- personalities -- >>>

like a split personality when you have three - four or even a dozen...

i personally like to mix them up and take my personalities outside - to the museum, to a cool new restaurant or even the gay dont have to be gay -- you dont have to be straight -- you can be whatever you want to be -- at any time...

sometimes Iam the guru - sometimes iam like a porn star and then others I'am smart and witty  or  sometimes dumb and even kinda of like a bookish dork....

an average joe sitting on the bus or even - and even sometimes an incarnated diety....

when iam at work iam butch the bitch, when iam at home i do cool shaman things like pray and dance...and light white sage -- and fly around with mr sock monkey....of course...hes a shaman too...

and we study about herbs and giving people psychic sock moneky thinks iam his mommy - my boyfriends call me daddy  and my girlfriends treat me like there bottom bitch....

it really just depends on my mood -- i can switch personalitys where ever and whenever I want -- 

its fun and entertaining -- and it keeps your friends guessing....

sometimes I'am sean, 

sometimes, I'am rick, and sometimes I'am kirk -- but right now I'am -- thats right >>>I'am kirk tv--  here for you every monday night @ --11-30pm on ch 57 and online too all over the world -- 

5-8 million people are watching right now !! hit me up @ my space/seanbateman9 - which is kinda like my secret-porn-interent--  personality...

kirk tv and the kirk tv family: provides fun and spiritual education and entertainment -- >>>

with all your favorites: laurence, the kirk tv cougar, mr.sock monkey and of course, jesus - the real one, not the fake chrsitian right wing jesus that only wants your money....and dont forget BATMAN!!

so thanks for tuning in -- to get the shakti, hav fun and dont hurt yourself...ok?

kirk tv is for shaman, and healers and the unwanted and the unloved, the witches, and the tattoed love boys in the EV!, for fag hags and >>>>>the soccer moms cooking up crystal meth, and selling it to the bible thumpers kids in the suburbs, or even if u like to wear ladies panties under your clothes and  your a guy ---

so come one and come all...this is another episode of kirk tv -- shakti!


sup sup -- manhattan and beyond....

???hey london -- hy fran 

hey SF! hey dimitri bro -- stinky armpit ! jus for u !!

daryll wit the happening dreds on my space and yeah thats right its officail keaunu reeves is watching the show -- AGAIN  tonight and he on my space as one of my top top ? friends -

- ralph and aubrey -- jeffrey james poochy and chris

and matty from my spaaaaace!

hey !and christian in la is watching too??

hey chrsitain -- and mr sock monkey says hello -

but i think hes alittle upset with you tonight but i dont know why --- 

this week try to be aware of what ur eating - what ur drinking and smoking and putting into your body because after all your body is the reson why ur here --or is it ?


and if u or someone you love is having mental or emtional problems chk your diet and water intake first -- see the water cure @

this weeks totally under rated: the guess who band -- from the 60s -- totally richteous!!!!

 and saying:

 "totally richtoeous"

 -- herbal valium!!!

nina hagen -- felix da housecat DJ, the shanna sharp band -- msytical alchemy....alanis moritsette - media free -- have a media free day -- >>>>

try it !! 

ancient and mystical alchemy is the oldest form of mysticism....for more information you can surf on over to:

did u know ???

witches were not always considred ugly or evil for that matter -- oftentimes they were intelligent healers and shamen who the church just wanted to get rid of --- yes tens of thousands of witches and mystics were burned at the stake and murdered by the roman catholic church from the 15th to the 18th century's for more information  and a brief- concise and informative read go to: www.things in the and click on witches....from the home page.....

witches....a history - 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>angel of the week...

angel of the week: intro by laurence...

google search under: all about angels...

laurence) >>>>

hey kirk tv i was on the internet and ah well, i didnt know there were so many theres angels everywhere...

kirk)>>> thats right laurnece!

they say theres an angel for everyblade of grass...

luarence) oh kirk-tv your my angel -- you wanted me when nobody else did -->>>>

kirk) ah laurence of course i love you and btw the way did anyone tell you that your special today??

laurnece-  NO

kirk tv) well laurence-- your special -- 

laurence gives kirk a hug and then says...

(laurence) ok well iam going back online to study all about the beuatiful angels and ah -- watch the sock moneky fly around in his flying bed.....

(kirk) -- ok laurence -- thanks for stopping by....


laurence) hey kirk tv -- what is the angel of the week anyway?

kirk) ah i dunno you pick one...

laurence) ah ok, how bout Raphael, hes the one thats around you, kirktv all the time...

kirk) well laurence raphael is an "arch" angel...and hes the angel of fact "raphael" means "god has healed" if u want to pray for someone who is sick then you call raphael...

but this is only one of many- many angels in all different faiths: not just christianity:

theres ascended masters, bodhisatvas, the budda is kinda like an angel, of wisdom and truth, theres lord shiva - the creator and destroyer and the virgin mary, whoose hindu femminie -

counter-part is kali, laksmi or shakti -- 

the green tara floats by)) 

laurence) wow! what was that??

kirk) oh that was the green tara budda...bringing prosperity and wealth....

laurence) wow kirk tv there sure alot of like angels and stuff around you....

laurence) ok well is jesus an angel?

is batman an angel??

kirk) ah well i guess you could say jesus is like a ginat angel yeah and batman -- sure hes kinda like a dark angel helpng people....

 >>>batman enters -- hey me and robin pray all the time and sometimes we ah -- cuddle afterwards...ok man i gotta go -- me and robin are doing some hot nude yoga...

kirk) ur doing HOT nude yoga??

batman) yeah i just turn the heat all the way in the batcave...and we chant and stuff you should stop by sometime...kirk tv for like a three way....

i mean for ah -- well i have to go now...

kirk) ok batman thnkxx for stopping by...

as i was saying -- vishnu - shiva and brahma are also all manifestations of the light - and creator that some refer to as :: the supreme being...or the cosmic force or just the force---->>>

Luarence) wow - i dont know what id do if i ever saw a real angel....

hey LOOK!>>> a real angel appears...

Laurence) ahhw!! help iam scared!

kirk) oh dont be scared...theres angels everywhere--

theres even  angels walking around pretending to be ya never know when there around - it could be the person next to you on the subway -- 

or the bus -- like what if god was one of us....

laurence) are there angels at like starbukss also?

kirk) yep even at starbukks...

kirk) as i was saying - the mother goddess is represented by: kali,  lahksmi - and the divne femminie life force of shakti...

laurence) shakti? i want the shakti again kirk tv..

it always feels good like love....

kirk) well i dont know if our viewers can take two shaktis on in show...but ok if u want the shakti again raise your hand...

kirk gives the shakti>>>

kirk ) every culture has benvelolant beings that help us humans and ah and bats to ascend back up to the creator....or just help us when well mess everything up....

laurence) ok well i am going to the batcave and see if batman and robin want to play some checkers or ah maybe ... candy land or battleship or something....

kirk) ok laurence...oh i see weve run out of time...

intro - song for close -- "Do something...."

thank for watching -- good night and good luck -- 

stay sober and dont act out one day at a time....

dont ever get addictied to anything -- except kirk tv of course...

next week penis enlargement  for fun and profit...

for men and ladies and even--lesbians---

 so remember  always show the best parts and hide the rest and if u cant hide it then underline it -- ur kirktv wisdom for the upcoming week 



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