
Showing posts from September, 2011

Gordon Gekko - "I create nothing, I own."


Gordon Gekko's Greatest Hits (Wall Street 1987)


Kirk Spiritual Healing Arts


KirkTv "Cyber-Guru" : "Banks, Religion and Psychiatry" kirktv


Kirk Spiritual


America no longer represents "We the People..."

Blog this - Twiiter this Facebook this... >>
Spiritual Reality - Pt2 by spiritualmind7

Kirk Spiritual / Kirk Shaman


Kirk's Contemplation for the day: September 22, 2011 "Everything Must go?"

Contemplations affirmation and Meditation for the day 9/22/2011 Contemplation: Ever wonder why the world is the "Way it is" ? We only have to look so far as the framing documents throughout history to realize and understand what has until now "framed" our our Collective and personal "Psyches" This is where we examine the Bible - "Old and New Testaments" to figure out why the world is in such a panic and race and fear to destroy itself and create an "End Time Scenario..." As a person who has had to totally de-clutter his psyche and dump all Spiritual Concepts and Ideas that are "Not working..." ?? in order to maintain a continued recovery from addiction and alcoholism -- I was urged years ago to get a "New Higher Power..." Drinking and drugs and "escape" from this reality at all costs was my only "Spiritual or moral Imperative..." when I was a kid and then into my mid 20s... But Wh

Kirk's Contemplations, Affirmations and Mediations for the day: September 17th, 2011: "The Roving Mahasiddha - The "Buddha is everywhere and in all things,,,"

Contemplation upon awakening: The "Buddha is not in one person - the Buddha is an energy... A concept - a Light - a vision of Life and promise of perfection.... I personally do not have any formal buddhist training...myself: but Today this is what I received in my contemplation: The Buddha says to me: "I'am here..." now for ever and always and in all things.... I sit with the avatars and shine grace and wisdom everywhere... They say that the - "Medicine Buddha" is colored Blue... A deep sparkling - beautiful Blue Light... an Orb perhaps of Divine Intelligence and healing.... There are many different colored Buddhas White Buddhas Golden Buddhas there are laughing Buddhas and Buddhas of wealth and happiness... Everyone is going to achieve "Buddha-Hood.." Everyone is a Buddha waiting to happen.... the Buddha has certain virtues - that is the extant of my knowledge of Buddhas but none the less - th

Kirk's Contemplation, affirmation and meditation for the day September 16. 2011 Blockage Control and the Beginning of "Security."

thoughts - feelings - ideas for the day 9/16/2011 suppose - it were - or is true or Truth that the outer "Material" world is the manifestation of our (collective) held beliefs and internal realities - reality... what exactly are the blocks - the energy blocks that we as a species and planet and collective - "soul" and sum total "Living Organism" need to release at this time ?? According to the mystics and channelers and psychics and Earth Shamen - the collective sum total of the way we think about ourselves - will bring us to a point of close "extinction..." and depletion of resources... Out of Chaos comes Order ?? the Planet will continue on with her own course and destiny with or without humanity and species that rapes and pollutes and destroys that which it comes into contact with... at this time and at the current - "collective Consciousness" that we now hold - the collective ideas and visions and beliefs - will surely

Kirk's Contemplation for the day September, 14, 2011

Kirk's contemplations for the day - September 14, 2011 Contemplations, Affirmations, Meditations.... The "Imperative" of breathing..... open the door to your "golden hallway..." this is a sacred place only for you.... Go inside - go deep - deep inside of your sacred space within.... no one else can ever go to this place but you... this space is filled and always flooded with silver and golden white light... Inside this space is so much light you can barely see your physical body.... this light that you have stepped into can never be exhausted nor distinguished there is an infinite - un-ending light - in this space - it is now flooding your very core.... and radiating out from you in all directions in a perfect and safe and gentle healing -- restoring every part of you to "Divine Intelligence..." restoring your light and love.... your aura and "Spirit Body" begins to glow with a white - white - silver and purple
kirk's contemplations and affirmations and meditations for the day September 6th 2011 Immortality - herbs of Immortality Intentions payer list The Universe ? God ?? Goddess ? All energies are from the primordial infinite well of Love.... divine Intelligence... Divine Intelligence.... Spiritual Intelligence.... What are your intentions ?? I try to keep my intentions pure with all the energies and mind memmes and ideas and incantations and even what I'll call the "Black Magic" of the banking system and Religion Conscious or not - is designed to keep us in a state of fear and adreniline and pain and dis-ease.... with all this going on - I try to remain in an intention of Love... it is not easy - it is not easy for me to be seduced by all the wonderful awesome seductive illusions of this world... sometimes I think we Love the darkness.... we go to films and see and watch the dramas played out - its exciting....thrilling.... lif