Kirk's Contemplation, affirmation and meditation for the day September 16. 2011 Blockage Control and the Beginning of "Security."

thoughts - feelings - ideas for the day 9/16/2011

suppose - it were - or is true or Truth that the outer "Material" world is the manifestation of our (collective) held beliefs and internal realities - reality...

what exactly are the blocks - the energy blocks that we as a species and planet and collective - "soul" and sum total "Living Organism" need to release at this time ??

According to the mystics and channelers and psychics and Earth Shamen - the collective sum total of the way we think about ourselves - will bring us to a point of close "extinction..." and depletion of resources...

Out of Chaos comes Order ??

the Planet will continue on with her own course and destiny with or without humanity and species that rapes and pollutes and destroys that which it comes into contact with...

at this time and at the current - "collective Consciousness" that we now hold - the collective ideas and visions and beliefs - will surely lead us to our own destruction and decimation of all that we currently are...

It would appear that we love to blow up things
we love and are in love with the idea of our own personal and collective destruction...
that our foresight is only as far as our own limited belief system

that everything runs down - tears down and comes down - because we are indeed flawed - un Godly - wicked or somehow deserved to be punished...

perhaps we are truly unable to accept the incredible gift of this planet or that given a few shifts in our minds - hearts and consciousness's that we can live in harmony with ourselves - our environments...and the ECO-Sytems that sustains us...

the energy crisis may be inside of us ???

the blockages are inside of us - we are waiting for a deep and deeper shift in consciousness that will facilitate the longed for -- world where we are or can become in harmony with ourselves and a planet where Greed - personal or corporate is not the "Bottom-line" and every thing that goes on here...

Vague wishes for "Heaven on Earth" will not suffice at this time -
surrounding the planet with love is a great visualization and a noble meditation - however we need to go to the next level...

In my chaneling today what I got was that first and foremost and most primary - we need to - collectively let go of all the enemies within -- the "Enemy within the Gate..." the "Enemy" is our collective fears...
our love of fear-based "Dogma" or shame and guilt based political - religious or idealogical systems that create more blockages rather than free us up to become the "Creators" that we know we are and can become...

all of these are falling away --

The so called: "Spiritual Imperative" at this time is to not only release our own self - fears and self hatred and love of destructions but to also create now a place and space within ourselves where fear or cruelty or in-humane behaviors do not exist...

The Spiritual Imperative is to create a New Security - within ourselves before the outer world becomes this hyper- hyper-based Military - constant state of emergency and fear or fearing an enemy 24 hours a day...

the fear mongers and war mongers are counting on and betting on that we will give up all the space within us to fight some real or imagined enemy - be it terrorist - Earth change - natural disasters...etc

Are we Peace lovers ??

can we create a space of security within ??

why have we been raped of this space within and how do we create it now so it does indeed manifest into our outer world...for the benefit of all living things and future generations...???

my only real and true Spiritual Instruction to my readers - to you at this time is to focus on and affirm that we are clean
we are sane -- and solvent

as a planet and species and that we can let go of all the old systems that were dictate by terrorism and fear and shame to create a collective experience for all living things not just humans where a humane and truth based
or Love based environment and sustainable system in harmony or with harmony for all exists and is solidified for everyone including all future humans to be born into this matrix and or reality....

Create a Space of peace within....

know that Divine Intelligence is your Divine birth right
that you are Divine and Spiritual Intelligence...

and that all former belief systems can and will fall away forever in absolute peace and safety for all if not complete Joy as it is happening...

yes - there are people projecting the worst and most destructive end to humanity based on some misguided interpretation of ancient or religious doctrine that either is a complete lie or virtually totally mis-translated or point of fact not valid for us if indeed it ever was...

the planet can sustains all our needs - it just can sustains all our greeds....

God - the planet and love belongs to us all as well as safety - security and sanity

continue to clear and clean and purify and give no more energy to the "vampires" in control of our major institutions -

Banks - religions - miliatary - Political or even person thought systems -- energy addictions --

for their own personal profit and destructions and delusions and projections.....

since the beginning of time one group has always sought to imprison another - there have always been war and rage and nautral and man made disasters

can we restore ourselves or our "God" to a state of compassion and wealth - true spiritual health and wealth and love and light....

can we allow that God to emerge ?? and be revealed not only within ourselves but as a collective manifestation into out outer experience ??

ok then enough from me

love and love - sanity and healing to you now forever and always....



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