Kiel - repost I love you - I miss you...

Kiel's life expired before me

like a strange dream....
without the right chemicals
to stop it....

a series of convoluted vingnettes
ceaseless with irony and reticence

a continued dramatic psychosis
that promises
healing, enlightenment....God

and yet 
at that time 
all I heard
were screams and silence
and fire 
out of control

Kiel's poetry.... was
soft chimes piercing the flames

and in between the pain.....
the question remained....

Where is the body....
golden and sublime?


(awakened to a pain that belongs to no one....)

(in friendship)
torment and shame will kiss you often
take you to 
another fire
another page
a different book.....
it reads like the diary of a human being

I watched Kiel die for two years.....

he was...
a source of knowing in a world of secrets
a constant wisdom
a prepetual gratification

Kiel's life....dissolving and burning 
so quickly 
I drank as fast as I could......

my body sought
solace and sacredness

in his face
I met life

I touched a sane God
I saw a good warrior
I mistook my blood for sanity
I cried alone 
too often

and now
It is the poets kiss that I endure

as the sobriety lingers
and fades
and because of him 

I removed my mask

near the end
my body
wet with fear
by his laughter

warm and fatigued from the embrace of his soul


the day Kiel died 
death taught me 

he is now 
a photograph burning alive
on a magical rooftop
where he 
made me promise 
to build a better garden

and so I'am......and will
I miss him deeply.....



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