kirkblog kirk television 202 Mayan Prophecy and Mystery

season three
show 202

surround yourself w angels
the psychic portal of love is now opening channeled live tv zen mystical spirutal
maybe end of the world TV

I believe in an inter-faith
non violent
experiential spirituality
hopefully without
fear or violence...

pana-ramic breathing...

last week:

what did the Mayans believe??

link here:

Mysteries of the Mayans

Interest in the Mayans increased during the past half decade as the new millennium approached, mainly due to fascination with their calendar. The Mayans of Mexico were master mathematicians and time worshippers. They believed that the Earth would attain some kind of synchronization with the universe by A.D. 2012. The Mayan calendar is 13 months (moons), each month having 28 days. It flows across a period from 3113 B.C. to A.D. 2012 – 5,125 years. One of the Mayan predictions is the Harmonic Convergence Prophecy, which states that the so-called Age of Materialism must end in 2012.

link here:

Don't panic, says Nasa, as 2012 Mayan doomsday fears flood internet | Entertainment | News & Comment | The First Post
NASA says:
"Dont Panic!"


google search:
"2012 Dont panic Nasa"

on the topic board this week:

Dont Panic!!

kirktv question of the week:

Are the so called: "Aliens" humans from the future??

trying to re-work our consciousness to save the planet???

questions - Comments

212 757-2076

james cameron's "Avatar" opens in theaters...
december 18th 09

basics of 2012
book of revelation:
but theres no date attatched to this...

but its good for bussiness...

possible scenarios on the board
planetry - earth changes
pole shift
solar flares
asteroid or planet nibiru or planet X

a few things to remember:
alot of the websites are selling things...
aka: the apocalyptic - end times: "Christians"

what do I truly believe ??

get your bucket list ready and start crossing them off:

whats your priority ??
whats really important ??

three experiences you have to have ??
in the next 2 years...

have a worldwide "shaman party"

"the Immortals Project"
mary gabrielle
immortals island on Second Life...

logann magic
on SL

some New Age terms youll want to be familiar with:

"Healer Shaman"
"Shift in consciousness"
"Authentic self"
Nicolas Flamel
"Shaman Magi Immortals"
emerald tablet
philosophers stone


kirktv stonervision


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