kirkTv episode copy season Five show 405" Ancient Aliens"

kirkTv episode copy for season Five - show number 406
"Collective Belief"

show 406

kirktv season five
i shall believe

S. crow

show 406

topics tonight:

collective belief

book of revelations/end times ??
jesus' b-day
cruelty free
wiki-leaks - ufos ??
ufos and the history of planet earth
consistent sightings throughout time reported by every culture

did the aliens make us ?
i dunno
a better question is
did god make the aliens
sarah pallin show

hunting caribou
your gonna be haunted
your gonna cut this animals head off
and put it in your den
your psychotic !!
your gonna be haunted by that animals soul…
and when you die - your gonna feel that animals pain…

life is like a dream or it is a dream
no alternative reality to strange to talk about ponder or consider


fifth dimension portal of love and light is now opening
kirktv techno avatar and tv internet shaman
with some psychic medicine just for you !!

nine million
and don't ever say - that no one loves you
"Iam kirktv and I love you…"

the Truman show
what kind of world we live in where:

reptilian aliens are trying to control the food supply
those pesky reptilian aliens are at it again!
google search GMOs

new reality transmission
11 11 portal of light

my names kirk
this is kirktv
your late night prophet of hope light sanity
chaos mania
spiritual rants
psychic raves

B.O.R - Book of revelations

every generation thinks its the last
every generation buys fear
this generation has the clarity to stop buying scarcity
and fear stop living in survivial mode

energy - vibration of love
act out vrs acting
and creating

the bible also says that you should put anyone who works on sunday to death - no questions asked…
you should sell your wife or daughter into slavery if you need the money

the literalists
vrs the interpretationists

jesus spoke in metaphors

drink my blood
eat my body
reason and common sense
god has always been inside of you
god will always be inside of you
you came from god you are going back to god
you can not separate the ocean from the water from the wet…

they are selling you a lie
they are raping you of god and your god self
jesus was the anarchist of his day
he opposed organized religion
the "Church" if you study history has raped tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of people….
throughout history

the bible is bullshit
a talking snake ??

what would jesus do ? he say wake the fuck up people!!

your being used and turned into a zombie
sex slaves of the illuminate !!

get your soul out of hock and take back your life force…and mind…

end of the world ?
two different versions of the book of revelations
war dis-ease pestilence
severe weather
earth changes
dictators are constants thruought history
its just magnified thru the media

collective belief
mind virus's


rapture -- hell is not mentioned in the bible at all

for the next 11 days at 11:11pm

when a bug sniffing dog has to come to your house to make sure theres no bugs in your bed…

when in doubt but new clothes
when in doubt
hide the credit cards

Facebook detox !!

and is the internet really for porn ??

the fake jesus
the real jesus ?

the real housewives of new jersey
beverly hills ?
celebrity rehab

Iam like wtf ?
if jesus comes back he's not even going to know what anybody is saying…

Do not believe in what you have heard; do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations; do not believe anything because it is rumored and spoken of by many; do not believe merely because the written statements of some old sage are produced; do not believe in conjectures; do not believe in that as a truth to which you have become attached by habit; do not believe merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Gautama Buddha<

go cruelty free

wheres it al going ??

what if there is absolutely no point to life at all…
live it and then die ?
it was just a long experience ?
thats all it is ??

what if god isn't watching you 25 hours a day going that was good
that was bad…??

a real god ?
what would a loving God be like ??

history channel
they find a camel in the la brea tar pits
and then say then it migrated to the middle east
wtf ??

giant humans
then they are gone ?

the missing link doesn't exist
history is a lie commonly agreed upon

the city of atlantis didn't sink
it flew away

they find egyptian artifacts in the grand canyon

out of place artifacts
or forbbiden archeology

a city under the lake titicaca

holographic universe


season five
show 405

4 thieves

ancient aliens
harry potter blows ?
whoose hotter ??

sept 2005

did God make the aliens
can meditation make all dis-ease disappear

the reason for the season

commercial food
california dairy industry's public relations policy
don't buy american
dairy products

psychic medicine and spiritual information
strange planet

reptillian aliens
ancient aliens
are the aliens just humans a million years in the future??

don't touch my junk…

when you talk to god its prayer when god talks to you its mental illness

oblivion makes nothing go away
I wish it did but it doesn't
lust doesn't make anything go away
I wish it did but it doesn't
an excess of money doesn't make anything go away
I wish it did - but it doesn't
sex doesn't make anything go away..
I wish it did but it doesn't...
suicide doesn't make anything go away
I wish it did but it doesn't

xmas turned into fear debting and alcoholism
the reason for the season

four thieves vinegar


safe ?

the american diet with its commercial food preparation
is a lesson in how to kill someone…
put it on your skin it ends up in your blood

show 405
aliens aliens

ancient aliens
giorgio tsoukalos
modern indiana jones
runs around to all these ancient ruins and finds the alien tie in

lake titicaca
peru andes
all over the world and throughout history they are tying all of this information together….

puma punku
one huge pyramid for one king and one queen
no way

they have never recovered a body from the main big pyramid

crop circles are bs ?

the dragons triangle


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