Kirkblog for KirkTV: Kirk's Contemplation for the day 6/7/2011

Kirk's Contemplations for the day June 7th 2011.

Contemplations, affirmations, Meditations:

We begin the day in gratitude - always counting our blessings...

I thank God for my mental health - my spiritual health, my financial health and my physical health...

today I'am Sane Sober and Solvent and clear thinking...

thoughts for the day...

I have the blessing of health...

thanks to God

We surround all living things with love and with light - the light of God that is everywhere and in all things...

How do we continue to "Manifest" our lives rather than living in a state of re-action and drama and traumas...??

Do you have a "Clear" vision of what your life would look like if you had "permission" to create anything you desire or have anything you want ?

How do we get the "permission" to have anything we desire...?

Where do we begin ??

I try to affirm: Sane sober solvent and "Living my vision..."

"God is in charge of my finances..."

"God is my supply and source and the source is infinite..."

"God is my benefactor..."

"my energy circulates perfectly and my "money energy" circulates perfectly..."

Living your vision ??

How do we petition God to send us our true vision ??

what would be the truest vision and our highest aspiration to live...??

What could we manifest and create that we can be proud of ??

What is God's will for me and the world today??

If I do not know then I pray and wait...and ask for guidance...

today my "Vision" does not seem clear and the way seems murky and cloudy...
so for today I will ask and wait...

I will trust that God knows my situation at this time and is making the way clear...

thank you for allowing me to be of service - to you and the world...

Meditation: My "financial power..." is always manifesting...
I have permission to have financial power...

God please restore my sense of power - the power of light - the power of Love and my financial power...

affirm: "My financial power and consciousness is health and wealth and forever and always..."

I wish you now forever and always Love - infinite amounts of Love and the power to Love and the power to heal...




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