Kirkblog for KirkTV: Kirk's Contemplation for the day 6/9/2011 "This planet is "Retarded..."

Until recently we have created a "reality" where anyone who is spiritually emotionally or psychically sensitive or evolved or even a "Genius" in that realm has been considered or labeled "Crazy" "Insane" add to the list: this is why we are "retarded" Spiritually: and why our "Reality" is fixed and limited...we have a culture that retards everyone - for fear of being labeled sick or medicated or both

I believe everyone is over-stimulated to a degree - as well...the so-called depression and attention deficet dis-order might be looked at as the body and minds reaction to so much UFI that stands for Useless FKing Information....children are made to fill out useless forms and recite useless facts...they are not taught to reason or think critcally or question things...they are fed toxic food in school and then are high on the chemicals and sugar and additives - they have done studies proving this - then the kids are medicated b/c the parents either dont care or are blind zombies that will listen to any shrink that walks down the block..the kids that are mind numb zombies and do whatever they are told are the ones rewarded and they then go on to frame out our laws and regulations not only the mdeiocrity but also the insanity...planet sheeple they are now over medicated and toxified and ready to be "programmed" by advertising....fill in the rest and look around now you know why the culture is insane...and becoming useless and devoid of a soul or meaning or Spiritual Intelligence...

something to ponder:

and on another note:

something else to ponder:

Greed = Death : we have evidence of this everywhere - from the current state of the economy to over-medicating people for profit, to poisoning of the environment, War predicates that people will die and we are "forced" to pray/worship a Greedy God - (god wants a sacrifice) - hence even "God" is taking Life b/c God is greedy to be worshipped...

It is our "Divine self and Divine Right" to be unlimited in our Spirits and minds and thinking...

whatever your concept of a Higher Power is - it needs to be expanded...

It needs to be Unlimited...

Just for a day allow your God to be unlimited and so your Spirit as well...
Set yourself free in everway you can...

Stop absorbing the worlds toxins and fear and insanity...pain and dis-ease...

Restored to Sanity ??

It can happen....
Break the Cycle - The time is Now...

Infinite Love to you now forever and all ways...




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