"The "Master Affirmation" by Terry Winchester

I just read this on Facebook...

I have been waiting to hear and read this my entire life and now am truly in Joy to pass it along to my readers...

Love Blessings and Light and the wealth that has always belonged to you...

I am, in essence, a perfect, spiritual Being.
I was never born and I can never die.

I am a perfect expression of the Universal Mind or
God Consciousness that is within me.

As such, my natural birthright is radiant
health, wealth and happiness.

There is, in fact, no evil or limitation.
there is only ignorance of the laws of the Universe.

My body is continuously changing, replenishing
and rebuilding itself at every moment and

is doing so in accordance with the thought patterns I hold in my mind.

I am now complete and whole within myself.

My emotions are determined by my thouhgts and I now choose
express the unconditional love and joy that is within me,
knowing that nothing real can ever be threatened.

I am free to enjoy the peace that passes all understanding.

Abundance is my natural state of being

and is manifesting in and through me now.
I celebrate the perfection of all things
and know that I have never left my sorce.

My point of power is right here now
and I choose to accept the health, wealth and happiness
that is my natural inheritance.
I now let go and let God.
~ Terry Winchester~


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