Why are Bees disappearing? kirktv episode copy Season three show 70 3/31/08

kirktv season three

show 70

its 11-30pm do you know where ur soul is ??

surround yourself with angels - why - 

because I'am kirk-- and this is the spiritual half hour of psychic power...kirktv!

ask yourself - tonight...

what are you giving your power to ?

well come out of the darkness and into light...

imagine...a shift in consciousness...

a new paradigm of thought...

everyone wins...and the planet sustains us all of us in peace...

we live together or we die alone make ur choice now whats it gonna be ???

A totally new world...

were are infinite beings with finite bodies...what are you gonna do ?

what are you gonna do?

live in the now...stay focused...

stay sane...

be present...

be filled with divine life

and divine intelligence....

Can i get an amen??

a new heaven - on the earth...

A new Earth...?


do u have feelings of total worhtlessness? 

well dont worry so do I...

but just remember that feelings arent facts...

for all you harry potters...

and witches and loners, losers - users and some abusers...

cant make the A-list?

well just relax your in the right place...

its 11-30pm its mystical magical and metaphysical...maybe a little manic...dont panic!

its ch 57...live from nyc going out to over nine million people as I speak...its kirktv....

electronic avatar

techno-guru of love and light...earth freindly and environmentally aware....and non-judgemental...

welcome to this temple of light...and psychic - sacred space shakti!


wishing and sending you - divine love and light...for 28 minutes...every week...google search kirktv and watch me 24 hours a day...get ready and get healed countdown to the end of the world...the road forks...a new consciousness- a newer shift in thinking....save the planet...this is kirktv here and now in the now....here we are...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>love heals and unites - use your divine intelligence and wake up because its 20 minutes until midnight and weve got a planet to save......spread the word -- and make kirktv part of your psychic spiritual diet...to be sane

safe and solvent...in everyway and everyday....

lets talk about alternative realities....

here we go...


ok last week -- we had a caller that suggested that i start a new religion...

so it got me to thinking...

first i was like -- 

ok man ill start 

"the kirktv religion"

 - but then I took it a step further and i think i came up with some pretty good suggestions for a new religion:

so iam gonna throw out some ideas and then you can call me or e me @kirktv@gmail.com

and vote which religion youd like to see born right here on kirktv!!

ok heres one: 

"the church of the Eternally depressed..."

"the cult of keannu reeves" ((worshippers...))


"the church of: I like Jesus but I hate you...and everybody else??"

or how bout --

"the curch of sex and cocaine addicts in  recovery?"

and finally

"the religion of consumer carnivores...who drive gas guzzlers..."

and the totally awesome ! "church of "pls leave brittney alone....!!" ala chris croker....

ok jus tossing out a few ideas for a new relgion for a new world....


honey bees in the news...or whhoops i did it again!!!

...honey we fuked the planet...we fucked the planet twice!!!

((Bees "Helpthehoneybees.com"

listen up heres the wildfire news that no one wants to talk about - honey bees are taking the day off...

"Colony collapse dis-order"

is everywhere from austrailia to america...

and guess what they are (the Bees)resposible for over 40 percent of the worlds food supply....

the indicators are everywhere...

the planet is dying...

and still the only thing anyone can talk about is lyndsy lohan in rehab...and whoose gay and whoose going to hell....

>>>>>praise jesus....


>>>>haagen daas...

Häagen-Dazs - Help the Honey Bees.com

its time to pray for a miracle and the planet and eco-systems to be restored to sanity...

>>>>>>>>>>for more info just google: "einstein and bees..."

according to einstein weve got about four years to live...

>>>so i guess youd better buy your hummer this month....

before its too late...

and also in the earth news this week:

Earth Hour -- last year...did a rolling one hour black-out....

and then again last Saturday

but nyc and LA did not participate...worldwide wildlife fund....>>>>>>>>>>

you have the life you are given and you have the life that you make...

you have your family of chance...

and then you have your family of choice...

family values...??

my family values are - 

respect for the Earth...for our bodies and our minds: 

live and let live....


respect for others...

kindness and diversity

weve got a planet to save ladies and gentlemen -- yes we do -- 

what is love? ladies and gentlemen ?

I challenge you -- ask yourself this week - can i make the loving choice everytime? probably not but its an exercise...

I'am giving you some love right now!!  shakti shakti!!

I'am kirk and this is kirktv 

I'am your "Electronic-Avatar of love..." 

your techno-guru of mysticism and light...

get ready and to get healed - 

to get the shakti!

to save the planet....

save yourself....

and bring down all the divine love and light...in the temple of light....!!

my name is kirk - I created the worlds first Cyber-temple 

open 24 hours a day just for you to commune and pray any way you like to pray-- sending out good thoughts -- to meditate and bring forth your vision for a better world..

a world of peace and love...



a new heaven on Earth ???

you betcha and were gonna do it...

we have to!

with over 9 million viewers worldwide....

its the half hour of power!!

magical - mystical -- metaphysical harry potter mondays live with my your host - kirktv -- bringing you love from above....

into your mind and body and spirit....

healing every part of you...

right now !


dispelling and dissolving your pain fear doubts and dis-ease....so you can create in loving peace...thats right - touch the tv screen and now get healed - shakti! shakti!!

hey hey  --!

here I'am your avatar from the fifth dimension....

channeling love light and wisdom just for you - my viewers and devoted kirktv devotees!


begin at the beggining of your prosperous life...

trying to manifest all these things...

theres alot to be said for just enjoying your life...

stop - your trying to do all these things - 

you want all these things...

and you dont even know why the hell you want all this stuff...

so just stop - because if your not enjoying - your life - then you missed the whole point...

listen to me iam knocking on the doors of ur hummer!!

no more toxic people...

no more toxic ideas...

no more toxic planet 

organic in --means 

organic out - think about it and then re-think everything you ve ever thought as true...

Does death depression and pain have all the power - ?? in your mind and life....

sorry never more - nevermore and never again...

dont let anyone steal your soul and sell it back to you...

no no no...do i have to spell it out for you - ?? i hope not but if i have to i will....

give the power to health and light and love...

the kirk tv phone lines are open give me a call to talk about this or anything spiritual -- psychic

ufos - aliens


heaven on Earth

why the bees are flying away....

what can we do ?

what can we think...the world is waiting...

let a new Earth emerge...

oprah and echardt tolle...week five...of a live tv event...d-load it on i-tunes....

letting go of the ego...

CAll me!!

212 757/2076......

heal the planet - let go or be dragged....

surround yourself with love and give me a call........

kirktv is broadcast live - every monday night 11-30pm ch 57



manhattan cable....

11-30pm ch 57 nyc eastern standard time...

or Google search: kirktv and watch all 50 episodes in cyber space or @ youtube...right now - peace to you and everyone you know....

I'am kirktv and I love you and thnkss for watching...and getting healed...amen namaste--shakti shakti!!



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