kirktv blog -- season three - show 77

kirktv season three 

Episode 77 ?

april 21 2008

hey man iam kirk

bringing love to the haters and love shakti! to the lovers of Planet Earth....

good evening world and my human family....

>>>>>>>>tonight - get rid of--the psychic clutter of your mind....

de-clutter your life...and your mind...

synthetic people....fake people...

attack of the "Sims" people....??


Dont be a "Fake" person....

plastic food

plastic ideas

plastic life

life is not a Barbie Townhouse - ladies and gentlemen!!

It's time to wake up and be real!

why ? because Fake People dont have love inside them!

thats why....

organic world coming at cha!


oprah the anti-christ??

i can think a few other people...rymmes with tush...

consumed by Doom...?

whats worse apathy or ignorance?

well who says -- the tree huggers arent united -- focused and have some direction??

the planet and the world needs your help---chk out any of these sites -- over 50 links @

under best news links....

you are beautiful --

words cant bring you down...!!


Animals -- 

animals are our friends ladies and gentlemen...

abuse and beat them they become mad and vicious...

give them love and they become loving...and just remember -- just like people--

when people get their needs met they become...

calm - stable and strong...

we need animals but animals dont need us...

you cant get healthy from eating sick you can't!

we need the Earth but the Earth doesnt need us...

cant we all just get along?

does the buffalo look at a fish and say-- i wish that fish would act more like a gazelle?

 no !

do the bees fly around gossiping about the bears ?

no they dont!

are the fish at war with the elephants - ? no there not!

they all live peace....

animals teach us respect and peace....

so lets say a big thankx to all the animals that make our life wonderful - mystical and on planet Earth...

and btw...people should be alot more like dogs than dogs should be like -- people...

something to think about: 

in a world full of hate -- 

remember to love anyway...

feel the pain and send it up forever....

or try this: say thank you god for everything just the way it is...


Open your hands -- once a day....

try walking the streets with your hands open....

seven minutes....


hey man surround yourself with angels -- and call your soul back - if in fact you ever had one at all...

to begin with....

I'am kirk - and its not daveTv


its not the televangelist gimme moneyTV

its the real hour of power-- and that power is love -- may you find it now!


no man its kirktv!

nine million people a week cant be wrong....

its mystical - metaphysical monday nights -- the alternative reality show....where we meditate and radiate avatars from every corner of the galaxy....

on our way to the countdown to Armageddon - the polar shift....2012 -- the pole shift, a giant earthquake, nuclear winter, asteroid coming thru, the global warming crisis, doom - doom lets go back to my room-room, what else? the rapture, 

the mayan prophecies of time ending or

until all the alien spaceships arrive to either save the day or turn us all into a four course dinner....!

yummm! humans are good !

but enough of all that - doom and gloom 

doom and gloom...hell no!

were here to save the world !

and were gonna do it right here on kirktv!!

fresh from getting the alien we are....

earth day -- ok man heres a question - how come earth only gets a day - one day ?

iam like - theres gay month 

and black history month 

and christian month in dec...

jewish holidays are like three weeks long - and btw happy passover....

how come Earth only gets a day ?

anyone ?

topics for tonight--- all my witchy tree-hugging- earth loving angels and demons and recovering catholics and clean and sober addicts.... theres angels inside of you - time to let them out....

topics include: aliens! yes !


the pope's visit to America....

giants roamed the Earth...and the Nephilim...

the vatican going bankrupt....

alternative medicines



the kaballa....

global visualization for peace and love....

ok heres a thing: i think for control of the world...we should have a giant dance --off....

all heads of state have to participate....

what do you think ???

call me.....were live right now....


the temple of light - the worlds first cyber temple...chk me every monday just for you ------11-30pm 57 

or live internet stream @ - same time same channel...

google me or g mail me -

ill pray for you - i promise - why because i love you .......and dont say that nobody loves you - why ?

because I'am kirktv and I love you ---shakti!

the truth is in the silence...and the love is behind the pain...the only way out is thru...

thru the darkness...comes light...

organic world? Green is the new black...

maybe theres hope....



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