People are like flowers...

yahoo yours truly..... 

people are basically mirrors to ourselves...what you see in others constantly reflects a part of you...after the denial youll realize that... 
the wolrd can also be described as weird or foreign so to speak... 
its a shame that people believe that all humans should act the same way or talk the same way....this is akin to thinking all Dogs should behave like cats or all bees should act like birds....
in and of this -- this is why this country is truly mentally ill... 
people are handed their belief systems, their ideas of God and the world and other people usually thru their parents and or the media who both have investments and vested interests in maintaning the status quo of what a human is and is not.... 
what god is and is not etc..... 
life is stranger than fiction the saying goes....lifeis weird if you think it should only be one way - of thinking or doing or being.... 
as i stated -- do you look at a buffalo and lament because its not a fish?? 
awaken to the real world neo.... 
synthetic people are everywhere....and this is what causes you pain when you see a real person behaving differently... 
it makes you have to confront that you are syntheitc and fake and all your life is fake and all your belief systems are lies that were handed to you -- but they are lies - repeated to you again and again.... 

When you become real // the world is no longer strange -- or foreign or weird....the world -- you encounter is wierd because your psyche wants you to accept your own "weird..." 
when you do that.... 
then youll be at peace and will be a real person with a real life....not just a lifestyle....or live in the constant reaction...of fear of others... 
God is not fear.... 
everything you believe is a lie.... 
the truth is eternal..... 
no one person is the same...just like flowers....wake up! 

love Sean 


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