Letter from Jesse

jesse-  from my space

feb 07

my space...

Date: Feb 27, 2007 1:48 AM

Subject: Past Lives

Body: So, I did some reaserch into some of our past lives. Turns out we've known eachother in many different lifetimes. The oldest I have yet to discover is at least one spent in India around 4,000 B.C. Here's what it says on how that life has effected your current self.

You are a staunch believer in the equality of all human beings. You have a great respect for the animal kingdom and feel that all life is sacred. Because of your selfless approach, many people consider you odd or different. There is a quality about you that suggests an advanced soul. You appear to others as innocant and untarnished, which can seem like the height of naivete to more pragmatic types. Yet, you exude a wisdom beyond that of most people. You continue to believe that no matter what, everyone and everything should be given a fair chance in life. Contrary to What most people believe, you do understand the power of destructive forces. It is not something you meddle with. You tend to leave people to thier own devices and allow them to sink or swim on their own. You realize that there are always higher truths involved, some of which you may not understand. You know full well that any destructive forces will come back tenfold, but you are not one to judge. You see nature as a mirror of the spiritual world. You believe strongly that niether you nor anyone else should disturb the cosmic order because it could mean death both physically and spiritually. There is a part of you that wishes to merge with the infinite. You tend to get lost in other people,sometimes believing that thier ideas and needs are much more important than your own. This is a sad mistake, and keeps you from meeting your full potential. your selflessness is beautiful, but you need to realize that you are just as important as anyone else. Your past life ammong the Hindus has made you a gentile and cooperative person, but there is a core of strength and individuality that you need to tap. With a spiritual calm that soothes and heals, it's important that you do not live through others for your own fulfillment. "For the soul ther is neither birth nor death. Nor, having once been born, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain."


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