
recovery for artists...

Posted by Sean on May 18, 2008 at 12:30pm

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Many lightworkers have problems with money and things of the material world...
finances, archiving your works, getting the work out into the world to heal others...blogging your poetry, writings, stories for healing and enlightenment...
I, myself am a poet and photographer....
where is the money going to come for this and that...real time, real world issues of scarcity - abundance: financial flow...
recently a friend recommended that I check out a program called:
Arts anonymous...
and Debtors Anonymous....as a support for artists and lightworkers...alike trying to balance the spiritual with the financial...
Many of us who are artists and or lightworkers have ushered money and talks of money - financial security and abundance issues to the background of our lives....
We are wounded, or have neglected the financial aspect feeling of our lives thinking that you can't be spiritual - artistic and financially abundant all at once...
right ?
Old "grid" ideas that money is "evil" that "god" hates or doesn't get involved with money...that money doesn't apply to lightworkers or what they are doing...only serves to keep us in a state of survival and debt...which in my opinion...is not Goddess' - the universe's divine plan...for you or me nor anyone...
Flow: money flow....
money is energy...energy is money....
time is valuable...
oftentimes because we are healers we feel that we should simply give away everything we have...because we are walking gifts of healing or channels of light...
I myself am trying to sort out my own beliefs and feelings and ideas about money - my art - my time - etc....

heres a few links you might like to investigate...in your journey towards abundance - financially solvency...and stability...
namaste - bliss - miracles, abundance, love, light...
and blessings...
I urge you to consider that you are worthy of generating an income from your joy and "true" work...and worth...
You are vaulable...
your art is vaulable....who are you to say it is not....?
you never know how your art and creativity is going to heal people...get it out there...
be seen and be visible...
show your light...allow your true worth to shine...
let the light into your financial life....
the divine plan?
everyones needs are taken care of in peace and joy and safety...
you can make money - by creating good...
money is neither good nor evil - it's what you do with it...
build something...
start something...
Please don't suffer in silence...and dis-connection....
Please come out of the dark with your financial worries and fears...
there is enough...
what is your vision?
You are a creator...
we need you to be powerful...
being small doesn't serve God or the light or love...
Love and art expands...enhances....
art costs money....
what is your vision?
who are you to say: no not me ?
I'am not chosen...?
yes - you are chosen...
everyone is chosen...to enlighten us all...
you are called to write the book the poetry, sing the songs, paint the paintings and so forth...

a world of love....?
artistic expression....
the arts need to be funded....
art is truth...
art heals....
Art is Light....
Art is love...
dance - sing - create have joy....
money can be a thing of joy without imbalance or greed...or defects...or abuse...this I believe and try to know and remember...

the world needs art and the world needs your art and lightworker services...
lawyers charge 200 dollars and hour...
what is the value of a person that can heal a body?
restore peace to the mind ?
Heal a soul...or Re-connect a person to a higher self or purpose....?
these services are needed and yes they have incredible VALUE!
Teachers are important...
Art is important....
money and art....
Time love and spirit...
debting...and under-earning....
Your not good enough or just enough ?
turn on the light!!
and know you called and worthy...
promise me you will do your art....please....
for yourself and everyone...
we all will be thankful that you did....
you will be healed and so will the world...

these are legitimate....issues...
Validate your worth...please comment and start discussions about money and spirit....
I need support...
please join me in financial recovery....
artistic recovery....
dont ever suffer again...

dont deny yourself...money and security...
to buy or do or have what the universe - higher power - Zen or buddha wants you to have or see or feel or create...
money is a part of our selves and lives here...
thank you for considering the financail aspect of spirituality....
my vision....?
to manifest this "Cyber-temple"
into the actual world....
A non-denominational meditation space free of dogma or judgement...or leaders or teachers....the truth is in the silence...
may you find it now - here in this temple...our temple...
your temple - within...and unlock all doors to your abundance...
have a great life....
make a great experience here on Earth...
balance - harmony - sanity - in connection to financial matters...
please keep an open mind...
yes god gets involved with money...
open the door....
love Sean

heres an article: just one of many that discusses money and abundance issues...enjoy - create - know, heal, relax - love.
the following article was not written by myself...
heres the link for more:


The Spirituality of Money

The Spirituality of Money is when you have enough money for your needs + extra, which can be used to help others. So by having an abundance of money you are helping others at the same time as helping yourself. Of course it goes without saying that the way in which the money is created must be in ethics.

Money is an agreed form of exchange or energy that allows us to obtain essential requirements for survival according to our needs, and to create an ordered society. Try living in today’s world without it and you are back into the survival mode of our ancestors.

There is nothing spiritual about being poor, and also nothing bad about being prosperous. Many seem to have the opinion that to be rich you must have ‘ripped people off’ at some time in the past. Perhaps we should change our opinion to accept that at some time in the past that person, or their ancestors, had the vision, imagination and enough self-worth to become assured of their family’s survival.

Perhaps like me, you were brought up with the belief that spirituality and money did not go together, and some religions reject the love of money, saying that it is the root of all evil. Some even state that to be poor and poverty stricken is the path to sanctity.

I believe Spirituality and Money can work together providing your acquisition of wealth is created through some ethical means, and part of the money you earn is spent on helping humanity in some way. In fact I believe the more money one has the more one can be connected to Spirit.

The Universe will support a person to be abundant or not, it is everyone’s choice. The support from the Universe to give us prosperity is never greater than when our hearts are open with compassion, love for ourselves and gratitude.

When you are at peace, the Universe supports you in ways that are most appropriate for your life and Spiritual growth. In the west, this is the experience of money coming easily. When you are open, in self-acceptance and in alignment with spirit in your life, then money can enter as universal love. This is not to say that all who have money are in such alignment. We speak only of possibilities and to bust myths.

Money causes most people more emotional problems than almost any other life issue. Especially for those who don’t have enough. How many times have you heard that "Money doesn't grow on trees” or that anyone who is rich must, be either a crook or extremely hard and tough? Most people have an extremely negative mind-set about Wealth and Money and its association with Spirituality that were gained subconsciously whilst growing up.

It is in any Government’s interest to expand the level of poverty, not prosperity. Poverty and need restrict choice and control people, therefore if you want freedom to choose - get rich!

Money is power in your world. If you wish to change things, you are more likely to have success if you have money than if you do not. Therefore to reject wealth is in some cases to renounce power. From a spiritual perspective this is like telling spirit that you refuse it entry.

Gratitude is often overlooked when you are in a place of lack, and this feeling of lack will most certainly create more lack in your life, If you can appreciate the things you have and be grateful the Universe will make sure you get more.

You also need to feel gratitude for your existence. Circumstances are then irrelevant as gratitude requires no justification. You also need to be grateful for all the ups and downs in life, as this is a time of great learning. This form of gratitude comes from a place of unconditional love where there is no attachment to the outcome and therefor no fear of loss or change.

You need to stay in this place of gratitude and wonder, where you will activate the Law of Attraction because you are coming from this place of gratitude 24/7. It then becomes part of who you are and thereby you attract circumstances that will resonate this great ‘Spirituality of Money’ and wealth because this is what you

end of article.

My prayer...
"Dear Universe...Where does this money go?"

I bless the money that comes into my hands...and pray that who ever touches it will feel loved and will do good things with it....
love Sean


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