Letter to Erin - Six feet under.....

Dear Erin:
print this and keep it forever...

I was thinking fo you the other day....
we were working on the bar -- and you were telling me about six feet under 

ive seeen every episode -- 
the other night for some reason I watched the final 7 minutes of the series on youtube.....
it makes you cry.......
makes you realize how beautiful and fucked up life and everything can be......

yeah I hoped you were ok and thought about all the things youve been thru and me as well......
what a fuking life -- weve had allready......

ill speak for myself.....
even just knowing my pooch and getting her was a total trauma/drama.....
and then seeing how beautiful she can be......
and when you meet her youll see how "special" she is.....
people come over to her all the time on the street......and compliment her and say shes so happy.....!!
and friendly......and gentle.....
shes not afraid of anything !!
it seems like a true angel came to me....
shes 12 pounds and sometimes when i yell at her to stop doing this or that she just wags her tail and tries to lick me -- 

ive never encountered an animal so full of love....
well....needless to say...it is breaking my heart on certain days the way she looks at me....

now - if i can only find a guy that belongs to me the way she belongs to me.....
its true ive fucked half of manhattan - the good the bad the beautiful and a few prison immates....as well....
but none shine as bright as my dogs soul.....

so ill go solo until providance.....
brings me the one iam supposed to know and share -with......

waiting to live - wanting to die
wanting to live - waiting to die......




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