SeanB - Wish a Miracle to Everyone you know - Sean's Rant Nov 08


some thoughts for November 08

first of all...try a little experiment...

Try wishing everyone you have ever met...

A Miracle...

A miracle of healing...

A true - heart felt Miracle...

that they are surrounded by love...

and health and divine intelligence...and light...the kind of light that loves...and heals...

Do this - it works...

wish a miracle to everyone you know for seven days in a row...

youll get a little "Lighter" each day and be healed in the process...

I promise...

e mail me and tell me of the miracles...

and blessings that occur -

when you do this - 

pass this along to your friends...

without any obligations attatched...


"pass it on..."

peace and blessings...



and now...

Sean's Rant

November 08

homosexuality without the religion...


Civil rights with Religion??

exactly what is: A "Special Right?"

A few questions:

I wonder what a world would look like without pollution...?

I wonder what the world would be like without greed...

I wonder what my relationship with my family would be like if it wasn't for "Religion..."

It's interesting to note that: "Religion..."

seperates people..and then justifies it in the name of "God..."

Religion alienates and divides...

at least thats been my experience...

in the extreme Religion is a "toxic" 

and "power-hungry" living "entity..."

that steals and kills and destroys...

perhaps someone can tell me EXACTLY...what religion is protecting...


and why does Religion always need an "Enemy"


why do "People of God..." 

need an enemy...??

and if they truly are people of God -- exposing evil everywhere instead of creating it...


then why are they so worried...?

If everyone is headed to hell...(in a handbasket) no less, then why don't they stand aside...and let "God" punish the wicked...?

Rich Republicans...

Heres another question for you...

why is it that supposedly --

"rich republicans...are funding the church" - and religion...??

why are the "Rich" always insane...?

does having "Wealth" make you hate people ??

Is not "Greed" a sin when people are starving ??

why do churches close their doors at five pm and bars stay open all night...?

why arent church doors open 24 hours a day ??


can you really say and demand the government to stay out of your bussiness...

but then when you bankrupt and mis-manage

(steal the profit margin by giving yourself an exorbitant bonus...every year..)

and then say:

"Hey bail me out..."

"I want the Government to help me now..."

cant have it both ways...?

I guess under the Bush administration -- you can...

and look what thats done for the country and even the world...

world in a state of chaos and bankruptcy....

right ?

If anyone has some answers please e mail me...

world without looking pretty good to me...

to me a world without religion just might be a world with "God..."


and blessings


november 08


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