kirkTv "What is a shaman?" part One

In this episode of Kirktv - kirk asks: "What is a shaman?" kirk has studied herbal medicine, mysticism, spirituality, Alchemy, and has had many shamanic and near death experiences... tune in and find out what your "techno-shaman-avatar" has to say about life, death, the "other" side and all the wonderful beautiful things of this life... you can watch kirkTv 24 hours a day...just google search: "Kirktv" All shamen and healers and lightworkers and mystics,and manifesters, creators: everyone and anyone interested in having a world wide community of spiritual mystical healers to offer support and expand your awareness of all mystical things...unknown mysteries, alchemy, Kabala, ascension, UFO's, Aliens? Miracles and instant healings, Alchemy. The Secret, Hermetic philosophies, banishing disease, top conspiracies, Art Bell, Phillip K. Dick, The Matrix and the X- Files, Jesus as shaman-healer, Magic..Reiki, Zen, sanity, Herbal medicine, Dreams, Laws of Attraction, : add to the list..realties of love - light and peace shiva and shakti! and more...may your home be filled with peace and tranquility, your body filled with health and your bank account filled with prosperity and money..Heaven on Earth? you betcha... get some shakti!! and get healed with kirktv


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