kirk television spiritual - kirktv episode copy 347 420 & Mass awakening

kirktv episode copy for show 347
april 19th 2010

topics tonight:


getting unstuck - unblocked
taking 20 minutes a day to sit with joy -
comfort - peace - gratittude...

mass awakening!! on youtube
the entire planet is getting mental clarity

visions goals actions
heaven on earth
instant manifestation
mental health
psychic medicine
spiritual power
and financial freedom...debt free

who wrote the bible ??
self improvement vrs self acceptance....

when oh when are the aliens going to land...?

ladies - gentlemen - aliens
magic men
medicine women
insane billionaires...
illuminatti worshipors
capital consumers
stoners of the world
ganja lovers..
artists of the world
alien visitors...
planet sheeple...
useless eaters...
starbuks caffiene zombies
amibien eaters
prozac worshippers
vegan mercenaries
organic lesbians

prison planet
heaven on earth....??

this is kirktv your psycho-tronic
electric techno avatar - new age life-coach
life enhancer
magic queer harry potter stoner
earth lover
herbal psychic doctor of your soul!!!

healer shaman!!
bringing you the good news...
that now - right now and forever
you have supreme - and un-alienable - permission to have full control and rights
your body
your mind
your soul
your spirit....
taje back your mind
planet sheeple -- before its too late!!!!
my names kirk
and this is the on fire....
planetary wake up call...channeled

from the fifth dimension....
opening the psychic portals of love in your mind body and spirit
and delivering you!!
the message of light
truth justice
every monday night - get the shakti!!
over 9 million people worldwide...are tuning in
checking back in
getting into their bodies - and yes taking back the planet...
from the polluters
the toxic - robitrons
the reptillian aliens
and republicans....gone wild...

on the kirktv topic board tonight....

tommorow is april 20...

(dealing with)
pain shame
clutter and greif....
hoardering ...
as "Spiritual concepts"
and recovery from debt - psychic lies
financial bondage....
spiritual healing....

what the world needs now - psychic medicine
burn alive!!!
when the spirit dies - the body dysfucntions...
is dis-ease cause by "Microbes" or misery ??
or the enforced social contract that no matter what you do - your going to get sick...
fear of dis-ease....

security and comfort...
take 15 mins hell take 20
to just appreciate things the way they are...
Iam free from fear - from lies - from pain and from dis-comfort...
remember the joy of creativity....
give me 20 minutes each day and I'll save your soul - save your world - and re-ignite your spirits...

Banned from the bible
youtube - google search...
"Books banned from the bible"
"Aliens - ufos - and the bible..."
"Who wrote the bible ?"

kirktv media minute
the learning channel

lotto changed my life

very telling of the times we live in...
112 million....

save southland tv show !!

V tv show

tori and dean
the reality show
tori and her mother...

YouTube - kirktv22's Channel

techno avatar on twitter

and kirktv
and on Itunes...
25 hours a day
you can get the shakti! and get healed...!!

i love you.


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