kirktv show 357

dont panic

good evening planet sheeple….
planet twitter facebook myspace
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collapse transformation
shift ?
total star gate heaven on earth ??
psychic portal
climbing into 2012
prepare your mind body and spirit
for some awesome miracles
some fear and
some intense and extreme times…
is it finally time to pay the piper for everything we've done to the planet and ourselves ??

in the 70s they were saying we are running out of oil…
well - here it is -
its a world economy

based on oil production

its that simple…
the alcohol
petroleum thing….is wrapping itself up - either we make the immediate shift - or perish --
is it really that dire ??

"Collapse" the movie

2009 youtube trailers

dont panic
let go or be dragged

get clear and grounded


episode copy for
season four

show 357

life is the distraction
we come here for the drama

then it gets out of hand…

summer soltice
longest day of the year…

jupitor - uranus on one side//
pluto and saturn on the other side of the sun

a cardinal grand cross
a soltice and full moon - lunar eclipse…

holy astrological major-ass! shift batman!!!

get ready for some truly profound change….
they are saying its the - full moon eclipse and drugs!!
testoserone ??

miracle grow for your destruction
and shadow self

so look out bros!!
six months before and six months after….
truly reverberating throughout the galaxy and our psychic spiritual group world soul…

a new worm hole is opening up…

read more here:

inHarmony astrology: a summer to remember...(solstice, lunar eclipse, cardinal grand cross- oh my!)


i asked for 2 readings over the past weeks
major change
the wheel of fortune
the tower and the death cards all come up….

and all in warp-speed
they say where at "Zero-point" the top of the roller coasters that brings us into 2012????

will it be a good ride or a bad one ??
as always the choice is up to you….

and check out


peace is available at any time
happy medium

between work and play
your younger - you want to be older
your older then you wish you were younger
you get "psychic residue"
accumulation of toxic ideas and fear….
its overwhelming

instincts exceed their function
then you let go absolutely

the hangman
you get stuck
then your not getting older
you get bitter

instant manisfestation

find the $20 on the street

what is a shaman??

cranberry - limeade

five things everyday

totally under rated

simple minds

do you meet your destiny
does your destiny meet you ??

addiction and creativity
celebrity sex addiction

billy bob
david ducuvny
charlie sheen
michael douglas

famous addicts throughout history
sherlock holmes
the father of modern psychiatry
sigmond frued
judy garland
downey jr.
kurt cobain
janis joplin
the beat poets and writers
boroughs and hunter S.
and jack koreouc
robert louis stevenson
wrote dr. jekkyl and mr hyde
in six days on a coke binge

heath ledger
michael jackson

herion addict
marc jacobs


drew barrymore
got sober

liz taylor
anthony hopkins

wendy O williams
committed suicide

stephan king
wrote three novels he doesn't remember writing
truman capote

lewis carrol
(opiate addict)

ayn rand
speed addict

jean cocteau
opium addict and kicked it

elizabteth barret browning
dorothy parker
tennesee williams
james baldwin
phillip k dick

40 % of all trees cut down are for paper


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