Kirk's Contemplation for the day 4/11/11

Kirk's Contemplations for the Day: Restoring Divine Love and Divine Intelligence as the "Power" in this Reality as the power in your mind and body: with Love there is a feeling of Safety - of being valued, needless to say: Love is the absence of terror or pain or dis-ease or fear of any kind...

Kirktv Avatar:
Last night watching a "Channeler" channel on the "pole shift" she stated that what you give your emotion to goes on to create your reality...What you give your emotion to creates your reality...The "Shift in Consciousness" would require first that you acknowledge yourself as a "Co-creator" of Reality" and secondly restoring yourself to a natural state of Awe, wonder, light if not Love and become present - to stop living in guilt - shame or anger: easier said than done but now atleast you have a goal and focus for your spiritual center and affirmations..."Iam always surrounded by the pure sensation of Love..."!/TechnoAvatar


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