Kirkblog for KirkTV: Kirk's Contemplation for the day 5/28/2011 "Fear or Love ?"

Kirk's Contemplations - Affirmations and Meditations for The Day May 28 2011.

"Right now is all you have..."

Restoring a sense of peace, sanity, comfort, health and wealth...

Clean comfortable gentle energy is now entering your aura and mind and body and spirit...

Free energy - God is energy
God is good energy

God is not a personality
God has unlimited resources
God cares about my finacial needs
God is involved in your money

God is your benefactor
God is an energy that has "Divine Intelligence..."
God does not need to attack anyone - Humans attack each other - God does not attack

We come from this energy - from the beginning - We are from this energy...

In every reality - - We are Love.

God is like electricity - We can not put electricity into a container but we can see the benefits of it everywhere...


Carrying things around from the makes us heavy - or burdened....

Visions - Goals and Actions....

What are you visions - goals and actions today ??

I heard a friend say yesterday that whatever is front of you is the "Assingment" from God...

whatever you are dealing with is your "Assignment..."from the Universe to deal with

It is worth pondering -

Surround everything with Love - Iam surrounding you with Infinite amounts of Love -

holding the idea that everything is surrounded and infused with Love may be a foolish or wishful idea - but it would appear just as foolish to walk around thinking or believing that the world is a horrible place where bad things happen and God wansts to punish humanity or End the World...

right ?

bless everything and bless everything with Love - bless your money and food and health and friends with Love -

Your world is transforming into a constant experience of miracles and blessings and Love....

Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you today

what is going to have the power today - fear or Love ?

You decide...




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