Kirkblog for KirkTV: Kirk's Contemplation for the day 5/31/2011

Kirk. Contemplations, affirmations and Meditations for the day...


We wish Enlightenment to all living things...

We wish Love to all living things...

We wish a good life and happiness to all living things...

We surround all living things with Love...

We thank "God" and the Universe - the angels - the beings and everyone for our:

Mental Health

Our: Spiritual health
our: financial health

our physical health

Thank you -
We count our blessings - and then watch our blessings multiply...

We allow ourselves to live in peace and we allow others to live in peace...

We turn everything over to the "God" of our understanding - We begin the day in a state of gratitude and health... and connection...
God's Intelligence is everywhere

What does Enlightenment look like ??

What will total Enlightenment feel like...??

Mental Enlightenment
Spiritual Enlightenment

Financial Enlightenment

and actual Physical Enlightenment

?? How do they feel ?
Like your getting Lighter...

and you are getting Lighter and Lighter all the time -

Is an Energy block the same as being "Stuck..."
Is the energy blocked or is it frozen ??

If the energy block could be visualized - in your body - where is it ?

focus on that part of you - imagine it as a river...
the river is dammed up...

the water is backing up....because there are two huge - grand tree trunks on each side of the river and they meet in the middle damming up and blocking and backing up all the water....

Now...Imagine that very easily you can push one of these tree trunks off the shore and into the water...

yes, both tree trunks are released from the sides of the shore of the river and then gracefully and gently begin to float downstream....

all the water that had stagnated and that was backed up is now rushing and flowing an the two tree trunks are gone....they are falling over the crest of the waterfall off in the horizon...

they can never get stuck on the shores again....
the shores where they once were are now flooded and filled with fresh water - (fresh energy) it is all rushing everything and the flow of the river - your river within is now flowing perfectly...

Wow! it feels so restore the flow....

all stagnant energy is now gone....

all your energy is fresh and clean and clear and unblocked...

Thank you for allowing me to be of service - I wish you Enlightenement and love and sanity - clarity and financial solvency -- and happiness and joy - now forever and always...Shakti!



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