Kirk's Contemplation for the day 5/12/11 "Love is the Key..."

"All living beings are surrounded by Love..."

All Great Spiritual teachers say the same thing and they all do the same thing: they exhibit Love and Compassion toward all living things.

Wouldn't be a great world and would not the world be a wonderful place to be in and exist in if Love were the energy that surrounded us all ?

On certain days it doesn't seem to be that easy...
It's a complicated world with complicated social structures - financial connections and inter-dependences - political ideas and theories: opposing viewpoints and differing emotions and philosophies all in the mix.

The World is not a boring place: thats for sure.

We watch the news - on certain days we see violence and shootings - it doesn't seem to make any sense...
How can there be a God if all these things are happening?
Doesn't everyone want the same things ?
Doesn't everyone want peace and Love ?

How can I move in the world and get what I want ?

what is God's "will for me..." ? on this big "rock" ? called" Planet Earth ?
And on certain days - "what the heck are we all doing here anyway ?

How did we get here and why ?

Is there any meaning ? Is there any meaning to be found ?
Is there a Higher plan or is the planet and life just a mass of chaos and carbon spinning downward to it's demise - headed toward entropy and insanity ?


How are we going to be in the world today ?
Are we going to breathe ?
Are we going to become the solution ?

Are we truly ready to awake from the "trance..."
Are we Blind Zombies ? Are simply "sheep" going to the slaughter?

Do we Blindly - accept whats put in front of us to live and read and consume ?

Are we a force of sobriety and sanity ?

Are we always in debt and doubt and fear and pain ?
Isn't it getting old and tiresome to always be spent and tired and sick and tired of being sick and tired ?

Accessing "Divine Intelligence" and your own personal "Divinity"
- Can we do it ?

They say that: "Love is the key..." Love and Humility...

Humility unlocks the door - and Love is the key...

what has eluded me ?
what am I missing ?

What is the "key" ingredient ? for our mix in the world ?

Can we stop projecting onto others and get what we want ?

Why do we even want what we want ?
Seek and ye shall find - Ask and ye shall receive -

Love and Compassion.

All we need to do is practice this - "Loving Compassion..."
All we have to do is - acknowledge - The good and God in everyone or try to...

Treat others the way you like to be treated.

There is no mystery. All great "Spiritual" teaching distill down to that...

Keep it simple today.
today I will remember that Love is the key.
I will forgive and let the past go...
It i gone and I'am free to move forward with Love...



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