Kirk's Contemplation for the day 5/15/2011 "Being Spiritual and Having Money."

We begin the day.
we begin the day in Sanity. Peace. Tranquility.
we begin the day in the vibration of health and wealth.

We affirm: "Thank you for healing my body."
"Thank you for healing my Spirit."
"Thank you for my Mind."

Everyday we wake up in the vibration of health and wealth...

Everyday we wake up in the vibration of health and wealth...

god takes over: Divine Intelligence takes over...

God is taking over the areas of my life: God is in my finances: My "Financial Consciousness" is that of a Sober Adult:

I pray and seek to do God's will: This is a perfect will for me and others - I'am less likely to be in conflict with others when I'am in an attitude of humility and respect for others...

I do not know what someone else' journey is about...
I'am relieved that I do not have to correct people - tell them how to do things or "enlighten" them as to my way of thinking:

Try this: when you are working with someone and they always insist on doing things they're way: Simply say to them: "Well do it your way - tell me what to do..."

then watch them panic - It's a funny thing because people are so used to fighting and being in conflict about the way things are done at work or on a project: Simply try it once: It's a relief: now it's all on them: become totally passive - if everything falls apart it's on them: try it their way for a change - who knows maybe their way will work:
the idea is to be open - either way...

Wealth - Every form of wealth is now manifesting for you to have and enjoy...yes!
Every form of wealth - Wealth gives and wealth also receives -

Wealth circulates: our wealth - a healthy wealth - wealth is wisdom and health:

Wisdom is: "There is always time - and it's never too late."

Contemplations and Affirmations:
Becoming the channel for good -
Money gives us choice: if we dont have money we do not have choice:
Alot of things can be said about money - and no matter what your "Financial Consciousness" is: you have to you have to admit that the more money a person has the more choices they have...

So we welcome more money - we can choose to do good things and great things with money -

We go to work - we spend money but then when we think about money - we are disconnected from it and our higher power - we feel as if thinking and talking about money is for other people:
or financial planning is for people that are not "Spiritual" like us...

How will our art - our healing plays - poems - paintings - songs - and films get out into the world -
We have been hiding and hiding our power and our creative power - yes even our financial power because of our beliefs about money...

Because our primary focus is on creativity and spirituality we dis-connected from our finances roaming around blindly hoping the bills will get paid or we will somehow get out debt...

In the meantime while our financial ideas and beliefs are under - re-evaluation and re-construction we will simply turn it all over to our Higher Power and ask her - it him what is God's financial will for us ??

We begin the day in gratitude and gratitude is the mother of all wealth -

thank you for reading and connecting to me ideas and the ideas that came thru me today in the form of this blog -

Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you and the world -
I surround all living things with Love today -
Affirm with me:

"All living things - myself included are surrounded by Love..."
thank you

I wish you an infinite amount of Bliss and Blessings:
now, forever and always...


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