kirk's Contemplation for the day 5/2/11 The "God-Spark"

kirk contemplations for May 2 2011.

ask and receive.

Allow and Align.

We have an Idea. We have a dream. God gives us a gift. Everyone has gifts. when we are born we are born with a gift. Children always know who they are. It's the job of the caregiver to recognize the child's gifts.

When you were a child - what did you naturally do ?
what was your authentic energy?
Did you have the gift for numbers or words ?
Were you a dreamer? Dreamers are visionaries. Were you a poet and wrote words about the world ?
did you "wish" to become a doctor? Pretend that you healed people ?
Perhaps you were empathetic or drew pictures and were a natural artist ?
Maybe you went toward music?
The world will always need innovators in the arts, in finance, in medicine and Science.
The world makes it rough on geniuses. It is not easy to have a certain genius for something.
We naturally knew what our genius was when we were younger...
As if we came in - were born with a plan. We knew what we wanted to be as adults but then somewhere we got lost: we got lost in our parent's "drama..."
We got lost in the family Drama. Some of us were abused or even had traumatic experiences of sickness or physical or emotional traumas....
we got lost . Became addicts or alcoholics. We lost the thread of why we came into this life.
We lost touch with our art and our natural energy and gifts.
your natural gifts and genius is part of the "God-spark" within you.

When we are in our Authentic energy - practicing our Art or living in God's will for us our life flows...things come together. We are meant to do certain things or be a certain way in the world. The world was designed for robots and sheep.
The world and it's systems were designed to produce a herd mentality.
No original thought. No original ideas. No original people.

for many of us "Lightworkers" "Indigos" and healers and SPiritual teachers the world seemed to crush and extinguish our gifts. we were labeled "freaks..."
"Ab-normal" or "Heretics" or "Witches."
The world it seems is afraid of creativity. Creativity makes us wonder and live in awe...Creative energy comes from a spiritual aspect and the Divine aspect and component of the self...

Perhaps our parents or teachers tried to talk us out of - who we naturally knew we could be...
Religion seems to be incompatible with Spiritual ideas and spirituality because you are connected to God through animals, thru music - the arts - thru meditations and non-traditional prayers and rituals...

You were trying to connect to the "God" or "Goddess" of your understanding and the adults around you punished you for being artistic - creative or even free in mind an body...
why does the world seem to support so much "acting out" ? and yet does not support creativity or art and artists ?
Does your sense of creativity make you feel as if you have no support or connection ?
Are you Psychic ?
Everyone is psychic to a degree. Many of us have psychic gifts but who will teach us about them ?
How do we know that they are real ?
Did we get the message that God will punish us for who we are ?
or even what we are ?
The Spiritual and psychic gift comes with its own energy and intention in the world...allow it to find you again if you have lost it...allow it to bring you the right people, places and things - materials to create your masterpieces...

Now is the time to let go of the world's limited objectives for you and give yourself over to God's unlimited objectives for you...

A closed system of thought does not allow for creative and spiritual people...
We are the "Wildcards..." of society. We are the "way-showers" and innovators that will bring the masses to enlightenment.
Turn your light back on...stop hiding what you know and who you are. Stop hiding you genius and your gifts.
It is now time to create.
Radiate your spiritual light and power wherever you go.
Set yourself free and others will be set free in the process...

We are coming out of the Spiritual "Dark-ages."
when people realize that God is available to everyone in countless ways without Dogma - without a specific book or building the Age of Enlightenment will shine and we will live in freedom of thought and action...
Re-call your mind and re-claim your spirit now.
It is time to own who and what you really are...Come out of hiding..
Come into the light of Freedom.



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