kirk's Contemplation for the day 5/4/11 "Beginning the Day"

Contemplation. Meditation. Affirmation.

How will we begin our day ?

My practice is to begin each day in gratitude and thankfulness.

I usually find that the day really beings the night before:
How did I end the day ?
did I ponder or contemplate the days words and actions ?
Did I end the day with gratitude ?
At the end of the day before sleep - was I troubled? worried? could not sleep ?

At night before bed: did I turn everything over to my Higher power and let go ?
Sometimes yes - sometimes No.

Our lives are book ended by How we awake and how we retire from the day and then sleep...

Many people have trouble sleeping...or staying asleep thru the night...
It seems our resting times - the time to sleep is not restful...

Can we truly let go of the day ?? At the end of the day...?

If we can - If I can I find that I sleep better and deeper.
Once again this is practice: All of Life is practice.

Life becomes a rhythm. our days contain a thread and gain rhythm...
We get into a flow for the day.
We find the harmony of the day...

If we begin the day with our practice then the day is more likely to stay on the track - and if it goes off track we are better equipped to be grounded: return to our center - less likely to make a decision that will affect us or people around us adversely.

We take time. Many times life presents us with situations that demand a quick fox or snap answer now...
Will we make the "call" from a place of our wisdom and center ?

If we have begun the day in peace and prayer of our choice then we can always find the peaceful space within to draw from...

when we meditate we find the center within...then when the day throws the left curve...we may not always be prepared but we will know what to do: We stop.
"I need 5 minutes..."
"I need a time-out..."

"I'll get back to you..."
We think it thru before we commit to an answer - we remove ourself and ask for or seek guidance...

If we went to bed and tried to sleep in a panic...
then we wake up in a panic - then thru the day we are ahead of ourself or always trying to catch up - we are behind or "all over the place..."

The Center is where we feel stable and grounded.

We find the center in the peace - safety and quiet of our space at home: It is a real place "inside" of us.
It is a scared place - A place only for us.

We find the scared within and the center within at home: as a practice.

Here is where we meet our Divine Higher Self. We find our wisdom and draw stability from this center. We devote our time to gratitude for the Higher powers and God and nature and the universe for our life-force and healthy mind and body and spirit.
Here we access "Divine reality..."

then we step out the door.
Our minds are un-cluttered with doubt - worry or fear.
We become a blessings to all we encounter.
We bring something ot he situation at hand instead of trying to always get something we see how we can contribute. We are no longer a curse to those around us or a "drag" on others time or energies.

When people see us - will they respond with joy at our presence ? or will they cross the street not to speak with us ?

If we are in the trust and flow - we do not have to dictate or irritate others with our exacting opinions of how they should be or how the world should look...
Ever know a person that always judges you and in their mind you always come up short - ? they scold you for this or that - they do not affirm your right to be alive or be yourself or allow your free flow of ideas and insights ?

I have been that person. It is a truly unpleasant way to be in the world...and people become closed off and shut down when I'am in that type of energy.

On the other hand when I allow the world to be itself - "It is what it is..." then people are open - the energy flows - there is less conflict and my mind is free and tranquil...

I'am not running here and there to each new explosion or fight or collision of wills and egos...
"Observe things as they are..." not how youd like them to be...
Do we look upon a Rose and wish it were a Tulip ?
Do we see a beautiful dog on the street and wish it were a cat ?
No we dont.
And so it is with people...
I have had friends who always comment on something I say in a negative way...
Soon I do not want to be around them. I see them on the street or at the store and try to get away from them. I know they will always say something to try to put me down. they are trying to tell me they know better than I do for my life...
They are trying to become my "Higher Power..."
they throw out "bait" to see if youll take it...
Some people live for the "Drama..." If they are always in conflict with the outside world then they never have to make peace with themselves...

Am I trying to become someones Higher Power today ?

do I try to neutralize the "dramas" around me or do I stir the pot ? and stoke the fire ?
Observe the day. and it's many colors and sounds and activities...
Be in the world but "not of it..."
there are some of my contemplations and practice thru my day...

"today I will keep in mind a "Conscious Contact" with my center and my Higher Self and Higher Power..."

"I allow the day to bring everything I need..."
"God will provide me with the people - the places and the things I require today in peace joy and safety..."
"Today I allow myself: the dignity - Integrity and serenity to be centered and emotionally available and present for all the gifts that the day will bring..."

"Thank you for healing my mind and body and spirit..."

"Today I can detatch and let go - and access Divine energy flow..."

"I align with my highest good and allow it to manifest in every area of my life..."

Thank you for reading this and thank you for allowing me to be of service...
I surround all living things with love...
Bliss and Blessings. to all...



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