kirk's Contemplation for the day 5/5/11 "Cash and Cows..."

Contemplation. Affirmation. Meditation.


The "End of Duality..."
The Spirituality of Money
Self-worth - financial worth - assets - trust - financial trust - Investments and savings - debts -

Today I'am contemplating the ideas of "Duality" and financial systems...
Self-less, selfish - self care and self worth...

Question: Why does it seem like the more money a person has the less likely they are to share the money...?
Is that true ?
Do the rich get richer all the time and the poor get poorer?
What is true wealth ? Wealth is wisdom and health...

What is "Spiritual wealth ?"
Do I value myself based on the way I move thru the world treating myself and others with compassion and loving kindness...?

Is money an energy ?
where is your money energy ? How does your money energy circulate ?
Are you willing to restore the flow of this "Money energy" into your life ?

Are you willing to have the universe shower you with gifts and love and praise and money ?

Is there a "Spirituality of Money" and Wealth creation ?
Does one create wealth or simply align with it and then allow it to manifest ?

As Lightworkers and healers and people focused and identified more with the spiritual things of life we sometimes neglect the material.
Are we balancing our material needs with the spiritual ?

Do we feel or believe that "God" not have anything to do with money ?
We need supplies for our art.
We need basic material human needs. Are we denying basics needs to ourself? thinking God will love us more if we suffer ?

Is it impossible for a rich man to get into "heaven..."

What is our relationship to money ?

Being "Spiritual" is about being open - open to god's and the universe's will for us...
In order to ascend to higher realms first our basic needs must be met...
If we are always in the "Survival mode" then we can never expect to raise our vibration - ?

good things can happen when you have an abundance our money...if we are not seduced by the sensual world...
Are we living in poverty and always denying ourselves joy because we are not "Rich"
what is it to be rich ? or have gifts of the spirit ?

what would a spiritual master do with a million dollars ?
If we aligned with our money source how could we help others ?

The end of "Duality"
New agers mention that we are living in a time where Duality is ending: what is a "Dual existence" ?

duality ceases to exist when opposing energies are in conflict: Dulaity is either - or - type of thinking...
for example: I can have this but then I cant have that....
I'am sad or I'am happy: or I'am angry or I'am in gratitude -
Everything in this world has a mixture of energies and feelings and choices...
although we cant be all things to all people all the time - we can be many things to ourselves...
we have darkness and we have light...

Limiting beliefs. does God want us to be limited ?
Is God a limited being who wants to control us ?
To me the concept of god is that it is an unlimited being of divine Intelligence:

The world will give you scarcity and tell you that there is not enough to go around - in fact our financial systems are based on a scarcity of certain things...
Do we always deny ourselves things so God will love us ?

Does God love us more when we are suffering ?
Does God need anything from us ?

Is God a 3d person who watches you all the time maing sure y ou never get enough?

As we arise and ascend in our spiritual vibrations and realities and lessons so to will everything we need will manifest right on time...sometimes even before we know we need it...

what if everyone simply lived in survival mode and never wrote a book or made a film or wrote a play or painted a picture ?

Can you ingest the idea that God might love artists and will do everything it can to make sure you have everything you need ?

try this affirmation: "Everything I need today will materialize in the right amount at the right time?"

How do you feel about: "I'am allowed to have and own every form of wealth imaginable ?"
"God wants me to have more and more money to help the people around me ?"

what is really important to you ?
Are things important and people are not ?

"I need to always be open to new ideas about money and wealth today..."

We can ponder and contemplate money and money and spirituality till the cows come home....right ?

cows - today please send the cows love and protection - please send prayers of light to our cows -
the more I pray and meditate the more evident it is to me that we need to respect the cows of the world...
they are gentle creatures - in my mind if God "wants" anything then it it would a respect and loving toward all living things....
this world could not function without cows...
please protect the cows and thank the cows for helping live our lives....

Today I will remember all cows and pray that un-necessary pain or torture to cows will stop...
Go to your local burger fast food restaurant and ask for Humanly raised cattle...or Organic beef - please remember that you are eating a cow that was tortured by intention or filled with dis-ease or strange anti-biotics or fed other dead cows or growth hormones or steroids - or chemicals to make it thristy and fat....
read about what is happening to our cows - know what is happening to your food before you put it into your body....
do you want to consume a sick torture animal that has lived in pain its entire life ?
why do some cultures treat cows as if they are Gods and sacred....
It is a spiritual idea to treat Cows with respect....
"today I will think about and recognize everything that cows have dome for me..."

Thank you for allowing me to be of service today.
Thank you for reading this blog and contemplating the ideas...

I surround all living things with Love and practice loving kindess toward all living things....

bliss and blessings....



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