KirkTv Spiritual / The Cows will inherit the Earth

The Cows are beautiful. Please protect the Cows - It is important to respect and Love and praise all animals - Animals have souls: chk out why Kirk doesnt like whats happening to our Cows...and watch the Kirktv spiritual cable tv program broadcast all over Planet Earth - to over 9 million healers, shamen, artists, animals. humans, Lightworkers and Indigos: Kirk defintely has an "Alternative" way of thinking: Google "KirkTv spiritual" for Twitter - facebook - myspace and I-tunes for all the past episodes or watch it live in action and live call in to speak with Kirk in person...every monday night 11-30pm ch 57 @ or nyc cable tv - get healed get a new mind and get the Shakti! Kirk is changing the world with his: "Psychic Medicine..." and Spiritual information and rants and raves...


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