Heres a few a (new) terms for The Days Contemplations:

"Point of Clarity..."

"Habit Energy..."

"Add it up..."

"The truth is in the Silence..."


We being the day in Gratitude.

We begin the day in Health and Wealth...

We begin the day by counting our blessings...

We begin the day with Affirmations and prayers:

Thank you for my mental health:

Thank you for my Spiritual Health...

Thank you for my Financial health...

Thank you for unlimited Blessings....

My home is filled with peace and comfort and Sanity and Light...

My mind is tranquil and serene...

my body radiates health in every direction....

"I radiate "Spiritual power and "Divine Intellience..." is every way..."

My Body is full of Life and health and vitality...

My bank account is filled and full of money...

Setting things "on track..."

We have the intention of setting our lives on track...
On a course of wealth - and health and prosperity...

It is a constant and continual "re-setting..."
of the course -
"Point of Clarity..." = where so I wish to go and what do I want to manifest ??

Once you have the Point of Clarity...then you can set the course...

Every day we awake to our own specific "Energy"
this "Habit energy" can be changed...

We have a certain: "Temperment"
We have our character...

We have the "Filters" of our "Life situation..."

We have our "channel" - which is our mind and spirit and actual physical body...

Try an experiment - or exercise:
Take a sheet of paper:

draw a line down the middle:

the first column on the left is where you are at right now...

write: "Now" the second column is what you are becoming - working towrd how you want to look or "be in the world..." Write in the second column: "To Become..."

Examine your general filters and "Habit Energy..."
as it is every the "Now" column:

this will give you the "Prosperity factor" that you have and experience all day long atleast up until now...

Your "Prosperity Factor" is decided by you...

Poor attitude or Attitude of wealth - health factor - ?? Sanity factor - whatever it is simply write it the "Now" column:

my general "Habit energy" is:

whatever words phrases or sentences come to mind - write it down: this exercise is just for you so be totally honest...if all it "sucks...write that down - if you always look good or feel good write it down...

writing things down and getting them out of your and onto the paper head gives you a "Point of Clarity..."

heres some of mine:

heavy weight









too many things have happened....

spaced out

so now I have the general "Habit energy" that I wake up in and with...

and in the column on the right hand side...
the side that says: "To become..."

We write what "Energy" we would like or wish or become...

what comes to mind for you...?

I always ahve a problem with the "Happiness factor..." so to speak: I dont want to walk around with my head in the sand - "Acting" "Happy" and fake to everyone...
it puts you off - to people...
Is there a "Middle ground" of "Joy" that is genuine..." ??

Is there a different "Energy" I can channel where I'am not always the Dark, kind of depressed "realist" that has to bring it all down to Earth or be some kind of "downer..." ?

my temperment always seemed to be toward a dark brooding reflective melancholy isolated and kind of pained and mad type of guy...

I want to change that - !
It is not serving me anymore - it became my "Habit Energy..."
It put people off to me just as much as fake "sunshiny" manic people....

So now in my "To become" column I contemplate what I will work toward:
It is my Ideal words and phrases of how I want to be in the world...
and I will "Become" this energy by a consistent and conscious affirmation and commitment...
We can change and we do change and if we change our "Habit energy..." our outer circumstances will also change -

the sky is the limit...
try this: "I'd like to be viewed as: ??? (finish the sentence..."

I'd like people to see my as ?

For most of the day in the world I'd like to feel: ??

The Health factor - the mental health factor:
The wealth and circulation of wealth factors...
the "Good energy" factors ?

The Serenity or Gratitude factor ?
so for me in the "To become" column - hmmmm
let me ponder:

I'd like to be: or my attitude thru the day that I will commit to is:

Sane - Joy - Authentic -

wealth consciousness -

connection connected

grounded yet creative

income - money flows in...

Light - and Lighter
sense of awe....

sense of purpose and goals...


add it up....

what does it look like -??

what will your new Habit energy look like and feel like ??

when people encounter you what will they feel ?

will they be attracted to you or repelled ?

are you going to be intelligence - brilliant or dim...and vague ?


Allow your Genius to shine....

now you can see what you want to become - your "baseline" attitude and body and mind for the day...
remember it took years to aquire the Habit energy you have took years of experiences and ideas and resentments and pains and joys to become the energy you are now - and you can change it - its going to take time - but thats ok you now have a
"Blue-print" to your Wealth attitude and wealth factors -
it begins with your mind and the energy you channel or are or want to become...


"I desire to become an energy of health and wealth and genius as I go thru my day..."

I turn everything over to divine Intelligence and somply allow myself to reveal the truest me for today -
I'am becoming....Light - sanity - genius health and wealth in every way imaginable..,.

Set in course - Point of Clarity -

my Habit energy and vibration is now:
Love - genius - light and serenity -
is now powerful and strong -

fill in the blanks -
this is only for you - to know - you will have a Secret in your back pocket from now on...people will sense it -

they will look at you - and say: whats her secret..."
right ?

try it the only thing you have to lose is: your misery and poverty and poor attitude...



You are now out of the victim role...

finally and forever....


Lots of Love and Light and wealth you to bliss and blessings now forever and always....

Thank you for allowing me to be of service and for reading this and sharing this "Sacred Space..."



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