Kirkblog for KirkTV: Kirk's Contemplation for the day 6/2/2011 "True Wealth."

Kirk's Contemplations, Affirmations, and Meditations for the Day - June 2nd 2011

We begin the day in Gratitude. We begin by setting our attitude for the day on course:

>>> We awake and say Thank you...

My prayers go like this: Thank you for letting me wake up sober and healthy....

there have been times when this was not the case for me so my "qualifiers" of gratitude are my health and wealth...

I'am thankful for my home...I walk thru my apartment and count my blessings - anyone who begins to count their blessings can truly see they are blessed beyond belief...

Your list can go something like this:

your healthy ? ok then -
affirmation of gratitude is: - "I have the blessings of health...thank you..."

slowly and surely your entire life can become a walking - waking affirmation of gratitude: Gratitude is the mother of all wealth and prosperity....

A "Spirit" of Gratitude - the attitude of wealth begins with Humility...

Humility and Gratitude dispels negativity: it will "De-materialize" the collected "Spiritual Toxin" of negativity...

so right now you might be thinking - "ok Kirk..." you are not living in "reality..."

"No one can live in a spirit of constant gratitude..." or "You are not living in "Reality..."

Well, I used to live in the negativity all the time all day - that was not a "true" reflection of "Reality..."

and what did that "Mask" accrue for me ? Pain - doubt - and even despair...actually...

I had several "tragedies" and even breakdowns...and these became breakthroughs:

I think or believe all the negativity lowered my "vibration" and caused accidents and fears to manifest rather than seeing how glorious - really truly glorious and wonderous life can be with the "right pair of eyes..."

I have been bed - ridden twice for over a year both times....

I had lost my health and had no source of income as well - in the crucible of that kind of pressure(s) I had to let go - let go of my insistence the world "hated" me and I also "hated" the world...

I got healed - ok then - thank you God and then angels for was a Miracle!
each time...

and somehow it all worked out financially as well...

Wow! from a state of no health and total hopelessness to a restoration of health and hope each time...

at one point in my last healing I was bed ridden and not able to walk more than a block or two or three at a time: my goal at that time was to simply be able to walk 15 blocks to a department store on my own and buy a new pair of pajamas since I was bed ridden and had been wearing the same sweat pants for 6 months...

everyday I visualized being able to walk outside on my own to get the seems kind of funny to me right now but thats where I was at...and I did get there and it was such a glorious day to be able to walk on my own again...

so now yes - Iam truly thankful just to be able to go outside and walk around...

but lets get back to our blessings and gratitude list:

(the little pleasures of life and our senses)

you wake up and have a coffee or some juice or tea....

you have probably taken this action for granted...

first you have an apartment - probably a nice one where all your things are with clothes and dishes maybe a cat or a dog...who loves you - ok - then -

you are now thankful for your basics...which is an

affirmation of wealth...

"Thank you for my apartment - my home - which I can make comfortable or anyway I want - I can arrange everything the way I like it...Thank you..."

"Thank you for my bed..."
"Thank you for my computer..."
"Thank you for my phone..." and so forth....

then you have a stove and you have some coffee...
"thank you for all the people involved in making this cup of
coffee possible..."

drink the coffee - become "present" with the coffee - drink the coffee as if you have never tasted coffee's awesome!

right ?

Coffee is awesome...

your day is just beggining but all ready your blessings are high and many...

you woke up healthy -
you have your five or even six senses...restore your gratitude for your senses...

you can hear music - a true blessing !!

you can see your dog jumping up and down for joy and love when you come into the kitchen...she is beautiful...and she loves you so much -

you can pet your dog and with your two hands you can feel how soft her fur is...and you are thankful for such a gift as this special
animal that is devoted to you no matter what...

if you dont have a dog you might have other animals...
they all love you and are part of your home and love and blessings...

thank you...

you have your first coffee - your sense of smell and taste is wonderful so you have the blessings of both...
later you will have lunch...and you will see the food and drinks and taste them...
its almost like an orgasm of delights if you are truly "present" for the experience...

you have a refrigerator with food in it - you have a cupboard with some food in it as well...
you have clothes in your closet...
you have a job to go to to get money to pay your bills ?
if the answer is yes then you have even more blessings...

I was once told - "Be thankful for everyday that you can work..."
and I never forgot that...

work and working and not "over-working" actually keeps us mentally healthy and fot and circulates our energies and gives us a sense of purpose...

if you are not doing something that your heart is in so to speak then one day you will - and you can hope that "God" or your higher power will guide you to's a guarantee...

now lets continue...with your day:

then you shower for the day - the water in the shower feels great!
another blessing...
then you have a closet full of clothes...perhaps nice clothes that you like to wear and reflect who you are or what you do or like to be...

did u watch some tv before work while getting ready ?
did you update your Facebook ?

more blessings - you have a Tv and probably have cable
you have friends on Facebook - some of them are even "real-life" face to face friends...

you have cable tv and lots of well...

so go back and count all the blessings...if you have gotten this far in your day...without even walking out the door yet then you have and are truly blessed and your blessings are uncountable...

the Truer reflection of reality is that - you have all the basics...and if you also have some money in the bank or even some loose change in a drawer - then you have more wealth than half the population of the planet....

when you go to a third world country you will see dire poverty - there are right now people without even clean water or food to eat...

there are people in addiction or in jail or in constant pain...or who can not walk...
wish all of these people a miracle of healing...and be thankful you are not one of these people...

If you can walk and talk....and go outside and have coffee and and a dog who loves you or even a family and a spouse and clothes and a tv and a phone then yes - now you can see how you truly are living in a constant state of state of health and wealth - now forever and always...

begin to restore your mind and thinking and spirit on this course of gratitude....

and if you do everyday in everyway your blessings and wealth and health will be will come to the conclusion that you have so much you can even begin to share it all with others who may need your help...

to be of service and help others is another gift....

today - attempt to be thankful for everything - you have - and the things you desire for you have hope that you will experience and have those things as well...

affirmation for the day...:
"My blessings are uncountable - my blessings are uncountable...!
every form of wealth imaginable is now manifesting for me to have and enjoy and share with others...thank you God and the universe and everyone who made it all possible...amen...!"

thank you Planet Earth....thank you to all the humans who went before me --
thank you for everything...

thank you for allowing me to be of you and for reading this and sharing this "sacred space" of love and light...with you now forever and always...

I wish you and send you infinite amounts of Love and Light and health and wealth and prosperity....
I send everyone I know a gentle and safe peace - joy and safety for I'am truly blessed and my blessings are for ever and all ways...



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