Kirk's Contemplations - affirmations and meditations for today: June 14th 2011

I begin the day in the gratitude...

>> I pray to begin and remain in the "Vibration of Love..."

The Vibration of health...

the Vibration of wealth...

The vibration of Sanity, Solvency and sobriety...

thank you for my mental health
thank you for my Spiritual health and wealth

Thank you for my Physical Health...

I'am blessed and I count my blessings and my blessings multiply now forever and always...

I wish and send you uncountable blessings...

I wish to you the vibration of Sanity...

the vibration of Love - "Divine Intelligence..."

"Divine Abundance..."

The pure sensation of Love is around you - now forever and always...

Affirmation: "the pure clean Divine vibration and energy of Love is around me now forever and always..."

Being Present.
It seems to me after contemplating and meditating that "Being Present" is an important idea to integrate into one's life...

why ?

We are in a time where patterns of behavior that have become - cross-generational are now being broken for the good of us all...

We are finding new ways and new definitions and relationships to money - to family - to friends - to work - to our incomes - to ourselves...

It's obvious - as a species we have polluted our water - we are not using the water wisely - we are mis-using and abusing ourselves and the planet...

We are truly poisoning ourselves in everyway imaginable...

People use the term: "Toxic"

not to project a bleak future however - if we do not pay attention we are going to wake up in a nightmare...a planet that is totally unlivable...

there are "alternatives..."

in order to find the alternatives it is going to take a clear thinking and consistent "breaking with the old way..." and being present to ingrain the "new way..."
I like to call it the "Fourth way"

theres the way it's always been done...or "thats just the way it is..."

then there's the way you conduct your affairs - patterns that you adapated to..

then there's the way the "experts" do it
and finally the Fourth way is the Way of Divine Design or Divine Intelligence...

the fourth way would dictate that "Divine intelligence would be in our use of the planet and it's resources...A sustainable future contingent a change - a critical change in our thinking and behaviors...

A reliance on a "Power greater than ourselves" to manifest "A better way..."

Divine intelligence and Love with regards to our finances - our health - what we put into our bodies - how we treat the Earth that is our home and life...

what about the way we realte to and treat ourselves and each other - ??

Society breaking into fragments instead of coming together under the common cause of not only our survival but also the "Human Race" thriving and going beyond the current immaturity of Greed and ignorance...

and we all want to move beyond the grosser defects of violence - murder - war and suicidal ideals and thoughts that all seem to lead us down a path towards destruction - death and bankruptcy...

Ironic: how the worlds greed is bankrupting all of us - almost systematically...
but wait:
I believe there is another way - and for now I'll just call it the Fourth Way..."

A new Way - Another way...

Is it possible to accommodate everyone and still have planety left over and have a clear thinking - clean and healthy populace > ?

Well - it begins with being "Present..."
When we are present we can break old patterns and integrate "New Thinking and Ideas..."

this is what I got in my meditation today...

It's a start - I'am willing to be present to see the old patterns and find new solutions with the help of a Higher Power...

a simple acknowledgment of trying to be "Present..."
instead of "acting out" a script that was written for you - centuries - decades or years ago...

We can break the Scripts of insanity - waste - poverty - dis-ease - rage - violence and scarcity...

I believe we are on the verge of incredible breakthroughs on every front...

Spiritual Intelligence

Spiritual and emotional maturity...
New ideas about healing ourselves and streamlining everything...

Affimation: "Today I will align with and allow "Divine Intelligence" into every area of my life..."

See what happens - you can always go back to misery and poverty and scarcity...and pain...if you like...

thank you for reading this and allowing me to share this sacred space filled with Light and Love and harmony and health...

may you always have Sanity - sobriety - solvency - clear thinking and a clean body and spirit
may your home be filled with love and comfort
your bank accounts filled and flooded with money and solvency

your attitude full of wealth and your heart full of love
and your body full of health and forever and always - Amen.



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