Kirk's Contemplations for the Day 6/14/2011 "Fifth Dimensional Thinking"


Awake to Clarity.

Awake to a Sane body
A sound mind

A sound mind in a sane body….


Leave "Duality" behind....

At this time it would appear that society is breaking into "warring fragments."
The "Systems" put into place over a hundred years ago are now being exposed: they appear broken - jammed - blocked and failing us as a species.

We seem to live in a constant state of panic- fear - denial - scarcity - dis-ease and pain....

This is not a reflection of: "Reality..."
More apt would be that things are coming to light - the world is bottoming out on "old concepts" ideas and systems....some will fall away - others will become refined and streamlined....and some new ones will be birthed...

there is no need to suffer or remain in the panic -
like the "darkest before the dawn" humanity is experiencing growing pains of steppiing into it's Spiritual adulthood...
Acceleration and technology -
Our technologies are advancing faster than we can integrate them or comprehend the impact upon us as a whole...its like a great awakening of Divine Intelligence and breakthroughs and yet our "Spiritual Tech" is still in the dark ages...
Just as your computer can receive updates via the internet or even the air waves now is the time to "Upgrade" your consciousness...
"Release with Peace..."
old ideas - constructs- concepts and blocks to your light - flow and circulation - to create a new mind - a new body - a New Alignment - of joy - health - wealth - inclusion - integration - wholeness and clarity
: A "New Purpose"
Arise to your highest - and top line behavior and thought...
take inventory of everything within and dis-card the old - worn out - tired or in-authentic...
find the "Psychic Wounds" and release them in safety with Love - without harm to anyone...
practice moments and hours of absence of conflict and being peaceful if not Blissful...

The "savior" is you...
the messiah is you - present - healed - whole - integrated and connected to all...
Now is the Time - to update your "Spiritual tech"
now you have permission to rise and ascend up to your highest purpose and joy...
you were meant to thrive - to be alive and have all basic needs met...

the old - former "matrix/Grid mind" that you were handed is no longer valid:

The world can not have enough Spiritual Teachers:
and you are chosen...
In the old system: it was left against the right
the dark against the light
the rich against the poor
this color against that color
the masters against the slaves
this "God" against that "God"
this religion against that relgion
you against the world
you are alone - misplaced - out of place - there is no place...
raped of your connection and comfort - retreating into the shadows of doubt and dis-ease addictions - forzen blocked - your life force dying - "No energy"
"No time"
"Not enough"
murky - cloudy - insane begging god and everyone for your salvation - healing - life and existence:
this is all falling away now - to expose an "New Reality..."
Life is pain ? Life is tragedy ? You will never get what you want and Love is far, far away and outside of yourself...
projecting Divinity onto the humans around you and projecting human qualities onto Divinity...
bring Love back Home
bring Divine Intelligence to your thinking - thoughts - mind and actions...

slowly and surely this is the time of a great "Awakening..." and Connecting...

In the "New Economy" nothing is wasted - nothing is either completely "good" or "bad"
Progress of your New Upgraded awareness and Consciousness allows you to be expansive while allowing others to pursue their paths as well - and make mistakes at their own pace...

Allowing a "New Vibration" and alignment to come to light the New Grid - the New Mind allows energy and ideas to flow freely: Clarity in your own internal environment and peace and bliss will begin to manifest outside and in the world at large...before you know it the world will be new - refreshed - and you will ascend to your birthright of Light - Love - Joy and Reality of Synchronicity and Divinity

you will realize that God - Goddess - the universe - is doing for you what you could not do for yourself...

Arriving at The Fifth Dimensional vibration....


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