Kirk's Contemplation for the day: August 24th, 2011 "What is your "Power" Who do you "Deify" ?

Kirk's - contemplations - affirmations and meditations for the day August 24th - 2011

I awake and go into the "Prayers of Gratitude..."

I count my blessings...
I thank the loving creator - God-Spirit - Universe which holds and contains and protects us all...

I also make a prayer list and pray for others...

I do these "Spiritual Exercises" to maintain a healthy - "Spiritual Condition"

Those of you who read my blog - What is your Spiritual Condition ? Today ?

We "practice" - We have a Spiritual Practice...

I have many Spiritual practices thru out the day...and even the night...

It seems to me that life here in this reality is capped off by sleeping - going to sleep - waking up from the sleep...

I contemplate - why do we need to sleep...
well, Life is truly stimulating even without the "Stimulants" that we all crave - right ?

In American culture - (The Culture of Insanity) ?

In my neighborhood there are 6-7 Starbuks coffee portals ? shops -

We like to "load up" on caffeine - coffee and sugar make up somewhat High -
we have invented "Energy Drinks"
people drink Red Bull and Vodka after work -

I do not disparage any of this - frankly I'am of the mind - "The Detached mind..."

I have trained myself to simply "Observe..." things and always trying to observe things as they are - not as I'am..."

Our Judgements of people and ideas and things is primarily what makes our frame of mind...

Truly - I'am miserable if I go thru my day thinking - the world should be one way or another...

I try to connect to a "Power greater than myself..." as they say - a "Higher Power"

A power that I believe is infinite and yet personable to myself as well...

Contemplation: "What is true power" ??

where does your Power come from ??

Why do you believe what you believe ??

The Spiritual journey -- quote -- un-quote - begins when we question the world the universe and God - "God" and our place and existence - in it all....

Where do we fit in ??
Is there a grand scheme ?
Divine Plan ? for our lives and Planet Earth ??

The story of humanity - seems to me : We like violence - this is a truly violent planet and humans have bee trained to be violent - but I dont think we are naturally violent -

We take coffee and sugar and some people smoke weed and or take drugs as a recreation - these are also "constants..." on this planet and in this reality -

We obviously like the "Stimulant" of sexual arousal...look at the media - we are aroused by advertising all day long...

I believe we need so much sleep because we need to rest our minds and bodies - yes - A simply statement of fact...

This world is so full of things of wonder and beauty....
awesome things - intense things - and extremes...

We like EXTREME things...films and people and ideas - the world is always jacked up on War and War-like Adrenaline...

our Adrenaline systems make awesome chemicals that make everything seem clear and intense when we are flight or fight mode...

random thoughts -

perhaps I should call my bog - "Random Thoughts..."

somedays it seems that nothing is connected when I know that everything is connected...

I awoke today in the pondering of What is true "POWER" ?

where does my power come from ??

Money ?


Love - ??
dark ? - Light ??

God ? Goddess....

We like to worship a 2D God I think sometimes - a projection of human qualities onto a "Deity" that is all knowing and infinite --

I believe there are male and female aspects to Divine energy and the universe and God - I do not believe that God is a man or human or white - for that matter -

Jesus was not a frail white man -- he was actually buffed and tan and probably had brown eyes...and black or brown hair -

who is the Ultimate power ?? Jesus Buddha Allah ??

Mother nature has a spirit - she is an awesome power....

I believe there are no clear cut answers about "Absolute Truth..."

I believe our lives are framed out by our intentions - and the respective -- responses from those intentions -
If we send out Love we get love returned - (most of the Time...)

We see things as We are not as they are....

I try to remember that and honor the people I come across thru out my day...


"I send out love to all living things - so that all suffering may cease...."

I say affirmations to guide my mind - my mind can become over loaded and even unstable if I do not "Guide" it throughout the day...

I do not allow my thoughts and mind to be "Carried" away by my judgements on the how or why or the world - the world - is fine the way it is....

yes - sometimes I wish and pray for the world to be full of love - I watch the media and wonder why we seem to broadcast tragedy all day long and war as well...


Peace on Earth - If you want a peaceful world then teach your children peace -

I think sometimes we are afraid of "Peace"

We cant even allow peace to come into our home for 5 or ten minutes...

I was told that peace is always available to me at any time of the day...

and so is Truth - but the "Absolute Truth - " ??

perhaps thats not the right question ??

I think thats it for my days rambling random thoughts about everything --

I wish you and surround you with a love that has no conditions....




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