Kirkblog: 10/11/2011 - Notes form #Occupy Wall Street - Visit number three under a full moon

If you haven't been to the #Occupywallstreet Occupation -
some call it a protest

it reminds me of the "Love-ins" and Sit-In's" from the 1960's and 1970s....

As I remember it -- seeing the pictures in Look Magazines and Time and Life magazines which my parents bought I saw several groups of young people -- gathering to protest the Vietnam war - to promote "Free Love..."
and something to the effect of:

"Turn on - tune in and drop out..." a quote sourced to Timothy Leary who advocated LSD - "Acid Trips..."

On college campuses all over the US students would meet en masse and protest the war and promote "Free Love"

On May fourth 1970 four Kent State Ohio students who were unarmed were shot dead after the National Guard was dispatched to the college campus...

the News reported 67 rounds of bullets were fired in a period of 13 seconds...
The American military turned against it's own people --

it caused a public outcry -- you may have heard the song written about that day - its called

"Ohio" by Neil Young....

you can see a Youtube vid - while the link lasts...above

what a world - what country is this ??
Land of the Free - Home of "The Brave..." ??

Back to 2011 and the "New Revolution...." where a group of rebels - renegades - hippies - shamen ? Wiccas - Econ students -
Econ grads with no jobs to go to -
"Tech-Savvy" twenty somethings gathered and decided to permanently "Occupy" Wall street in an attempt to highlight and underscore the rage - pain and dissent against giving several banking institutions -- among them "Goldmann Sachs" a whooping 500 billion dollars with no oversight ?? to re-fulle the American and world economy that was faltering after 25 or so years of

"DE-Regulation" - distrust -
"Cooking the books..."
"Toxic (WTF?) Assets
faulty ? deceitful ?? theivery ?

Wall street and banking loans and practices where basically Wall streeters and the banks cashed in - took the money
basically in my opinion - blackmailed the US Govt and then turned around and gave themselves all million dollar plus bonuses:

I dont have the facts - I dont think anyone does but Goldman Sachs - "reported" profits last year of over 5 billion dollars....

Some execs over at Goldman Sachs reportedly were given as much as 10 MILLION dollar bonuses...
imagine - while the heartland of America was losing their homes to foreclosures...

the new "Robber Barons..." were laughing smugly - ah "all the way to the bank" as it were....

so as I understnad it - our govt - the US taxpaying middle class was saddled with a 500 BILLION dollars debt so some of these guys could get up to ten million dollar bonuses and sit back and just steal the money...??

hey if Iam wrong about this let me know - but if the media and public found out about this imagine all the evil shit and sneaky shit the banks are doing that we dont know about...

heres a clip from Wall street 2...

(interestingly produced by Fox Media - since Fox news is now basically know as a "Propaganda machine for the far insane -- radical "Ring wing faction of politics...)

the main character - from the 1987 original film Wall street says:

"Now Greed is legal..."

Its interesting - how films can highlight and even celebrate greed - drugs - anarchy ?
revolution sex - you name it but when it is truly confronted by these things in ahhh

"Real Life..." it shutters to think they are actually occurring every everywhere....

where was I ??

yes #occupywallstreet and the occupation - of an area called: Zucotti Park - situated in between Ground Zero - 9/11 burial site - Terrorist attack and the Actual street named: "WALL" street....


On why "wall street" is called; "Wall street"

From Wikipedia: The name of the street derives from the fact that during the 17th Century, it formed the northern boundary of the New Amsterdam settlement where the Dutch had constructed a crude wall of timer and earthwork. The wall was obstensibly meant as a defense against attack from Lenape Indians, New England colonists, and the British, but it was never tested in battle. The wall was dismantled by the British in 1699

to be continued....



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