Kirk Spiritual / Article

reprinted -- article - affirmations

The biggest myth about feelings
July 13th, 2009 | Posted in health tips, temper control
Tags: feel good, feel happy, release anger, release bad feelings, release technique

What is the biggest myth on feelings?

The biggest myth about feelings is that we always take feelings as a part of us.

Pay attention to your words, which sentence you used more, “I feel angry” and “I am angry”?

Many friends take these two sentences as the same. if so, you are just landing yourself in deeper and deeper trouble.

When you say “I am angry” , you mean anger is one part of yourself. and if you feel extremly angry, you take anger as yourself. YOU LOST YOURSELF so as to let your feelings control you.

If you choose “I feel angry”, you take anger as the thing outside of yourself. It is easier to drop the external thing than the inner thing. And more importantly, to realize that your anger is not in YOU and it is only something outside of you are the bases to release them and get inner peace back. In this way, you begin to take your power and use it.

“We always take the feelings as one of our inner parts ” . for other kinds of feelings, the myth is the same.

You can release any feelings if you want. you release them just as you can drop down the book in your hand, throw away the bag on your shoulder or breathe out the air.

Clench your hands and you will not feel ease. You can release any feeling just like Let go your hands, and you can get peace back.

How to begin?

firstly, try to use “I feel ……” instead of “I am ……”. for example:

Use the sentences I feel angry or I feel happy or I feel sad or I feel ashamed and so on to express your feelings.

Secondly, try to feel the differences between these two ways of expressing feelings. Take the feelings the same as your book, your bag or anything around you. If you can throw them away, you can release any feeling too.

thirdly, learn the release techniques from lester levenson( you can search it through I am now using it and come to live a more peaceful life. There are still some unexpected things or so called bad things happen to me, but I can quickly pull myself out.

To release your feelings can empower yourself to feel good and then attract more happy things into your life.

May you good luck, my dear friends.


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