random kirk copy writing



kirktv talks about miracles and how to have them...kirk created the worlds first "Cyber-Temple" of love light and peace for the world to share a non-denominational prayer space in cyber space...kirk has had many near-death experiences and now has become the first electronic Avatar and "Techno-Guru" to over 9 million viewers a week. Tune in every Mystical monday night @ 11-30pm ch 57 in Manhattan cable tv or @Mnn.org ch 57 to watch on live screen stream internet connection...and get ready to get healed ! Shakti! Namaste and all the good stuff too...I'am kirktv and I love you....you are now healed of everything....

I promise....

MYSTICAL all the time - All alternative realities: for shamen and healers and lightworkers and mystics,and manifesters, creators: everyone and anyone interested in having a world wide community of spiritual mystical healers to offer support and expand your awareness of all mystical things...unknown mysteries, alchemy, Kabala, ascension, UFO's, Aliens? Miracles and instant healings, Alchemy. The Secret, Hermetic philosophies, banishing disease, top conspiracies, Art Bell, Phillip K. Dick, The Matrix and the X- Files, Jesus as shaman-healer, Magic..Reiki, Zen, sanity, Herbal medicine, Dreams, Laws of Attraction, :

add to the list..realties of love - light and peace shiva and shakti! 

and more...may your home be filled with peace and tranquility, your body filled with health and your bank account filled with prosperity and money..Heaven on Earth? you betcha...

tune in and turn on...detox and detatch...from the mainstream...and get into the groove!!


much love K-TV

find someone who calls you beautiful instead of hott, calls you back when you hang up, stays awake just to watch you sleep. wait for the person who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, holds your hand in front of friends...wait for the one who constantly reminds you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. wait for the one who turns to his friends and says "thats him." 

Sean Bateman / KirkTv

Date: Mar 16, 2007 12:53 PM

Subject BUY God -- here -- Special price this week only....

Body: Limited time only!!!!!

for a one time special --

I'am selling "God"

it comes pre-packaged...

in the gold

the platnium

business class

and premium editions....

there is a limited supply....of god...

and I own all of it....

and as you know -- you can not survive with out it...

so youd better hurry and dial that phone now !!!!

operators are standing by...

and if you decided that you dont have to purchase "God..."

then you will suffer shame and and judement....

from me and my minions....

thats right baby...

I've got all the "god..."

and you have to buy it -- and it only lasts a week at most....

so the more money you give me -- the more god you will have....

you do want to -- "save your soul..."

dont you ??


otherwise - I will damm you to "Hell...."

you wont have any "Love..."

and because I "own" all the "God" in this reality....

I will project all forms of "Evil-ness" onto you -- until you

submit to my will....

yes if you dont buy my -- "God..."

youll be punished....

and you dont want that do you -- ?

so here ya go -- and by the way....

supplies are limited...

so buy -- my brand of "God..."

or suffer the consequneces....

I'am religion......

reprinted here...with permission....

God - is a copywritten....term

All rights reserved....

our brand of god...comes in four forms....

and many different styles and shapes to choose from....

of course for our deluxx -- platnium...VIP customers we have a VIP longue...

and theres no standing in line to purchase your God....

secure your place in the after-life today...and stock up...now!!

The god company.....



the biggest con of the ages.....

ps - we have various outlets in all major cities throughout the contiental United states....they are called catholic churches....

they are standing by to take your cash NOW!!!

selling you god - and love -- for a price....

limited time offer.....

while supplies last...

void where prohibited.....




the bible belt

ps gays not allowed.....

channeled information for those that can hear it--

Body: take what you like and leave the rest....

here it is....

messages from the "other" side -

through kirk's body..........


HERE -------------------


start of channel -- 2-30pm weds....


BE aware.....but be not afraid.......

>>>>>>through my daly meditation and writng and contemplation - i feel the flow of "auto-matic" writing which i have done for years now -

the flow is golden and nice -- feels good - here is what i got....in the meditative state today ::


they say: i hear...i type...



Understand - this is the begining of the transformation now....

new energies and "old" former - ""grids"" are passing and yes the portal is opening - a door - (gold and blue) is appearing for you -

u can call "us" a trans-dimnesional multi - souled - entity - that wants your highest good and yes there are opposite energies working in the other direction in the cosmos that do not -- wish for you to evolve.....

((in any event))

kirk is guarded heavily and protected - in his task of sage and healer....

a strong light - life - force - indeed yes....

ok - the channel - continues....

today at this time for you --

this is not a world of love - this is a world of lies and decepton and deciet --

but -- but coming -- here now -


recconecting to your ultimate source of health - and vitality -- an divine intelligence....

the channeling begins and the portal now opens until yes 2012...today.....

iam here -

we are -- here -

the total wild card of the cosmos - born in the primordial ooze from a need in the collective concioussness - the one thing nobody counted on - here I'am - !! channeling divine cosmic energies down -- here into the material world - my body is here - my crown chakra is -- has been prepared--

>> through herb infusion and meditation -- it has evolved to the point that i can do that -- (channel the god energy)

and know that iam supposed to do that...

so here it is - for you divine love and love pouring into the world through me - - dont misunderstand - this body was vacated long ago - we are spirits that speak through this body - to you and for you -

"He" steps aside every now and then....for us to speak -

we are not bound by linear time as you are - we transmit from a higher - high frequency - of multiple realties -

kirk's body - ::

((and)) you might want to thank the soul - that gave his life -- his body up so it could be untilized in this manner - you cant judge him - he - his body is a channel...if you are not ready for the message - to merge so called heaven with earth - then it is not for you at this time - but if so then simply accept and enjoy the energies - we are bringing you through this person...

forever forever elohim....we are - here around you - masters of the fourth worlds the third world the fith and seventh rays....

amen - love amen.....

god - the universe and goddess is simply an energy and a lifeforce of love - laced with love so let that energy fill ur home - and heart and mind and body---

the unconditional love from what ever your higher power is and if your higher power or god is not a loving forgiving and supportive and nuturing -- force in ur life then i suggest you get a new one and fast....

if u feel trapped its because - the system thrives on people being trapped and living in fear.....

do u want to live in fear ?? ask yourself that question ?

do u want to live in fear or do you want to live in love ???


clear mind and body......

Friday, January 12, 2007

Home alone on a friday night...
Current mood:  cheerful
Dreams and the Supernatural

hey everybody....
sitting here home alone on a friday night in Manhattan..
doing what ?
ah -- dunno
sitting here in my favorite boxers, the window wide open in the middle of winter and its like 99 degrees in here...
my favorite boxers are the pink ones- of course....

i was kinda bored - no, not kinda -- - I mean totally --
i mean if your bored -- its really ur own fault...right ?
thats what i think...
after I almost died -- like the fifth time -- the fifth time being early last year ....i promised to never be bored again...and to always eat ice cream with a 12 year old smile of joy...
I really only like chocolate and strawberry and vanilla...ice cream...

speaking of vanilla -- heheee
Ive got a porn dvd in the dvd player but I'am not watching it so its looping around and around...on the main title home page -- menu -- and its actually kinda funny....
I downloaded Midnight Oil's -- "Beds are burning" and that is playing on a loop also --
the intro is awesome-- I wish i had my old pair of Doc martens boots to go outside and go thrashing somehwere or go to some cool -- exciting party...
ive been to alot of parties but really Ive never walked away from a party thinking "woww! that was so cool!"
and ah so exciting!"
maybe iam going to the wrong parties...

Ive been to alot of "weird" parties but never really a cool, exciting one -- something to look forward to right?

I guess I'am mumbling...
I dunno - I think a blog is a way of trying to connect and reach out to people before all the chlorlesteral sp? or the toxins or the cigarettes or the government, or your ex boyfiend --- or ah the neighboorhood psycho....gets you...

like all the chemicals in the water or the additives in the food -- like, explode your liver or you just die from eating the wrong cheeseburger...what a world -- right ?
I'am a normal enough guy --- I mean if -- having 22 spirits around you that take over your body at will >>to work - "on this plane - as it were or so -- so many psychics have said to me...and likewise -- three real and true psychics have also said that yes I'am cursed with longevity...yep that means that I really cant die until after Ive lived more than a hundred years or so....

So I guess I should'nt be afriad of that much -- I mean if I can't die -- for like, another 60 years right...I guess someone will have to cut off my head -- to relieve all the boredom I have in the meantime....-- esp even knowing that your going to live that long makes you even more bored....
b/c your looking at your watch all the time thinking -- shceezzz only 15 minutes have gone by and i have like--another fucking, 65 years here...

I wish someone would just come along and understand that theres really - not much to understand here -- if you see things with your heart....then everything becomes really simple....

and theres not much elese to learn about life or people...excpet you can watch all their freaky -- weirdness and attend their kinda -- pretty boring parties....

people come up to me all the time and ask me out...
I think there attracted by the kinda --big..-- bulge in my pants -- and some of them even say --
"Wow youve got a really big bulge..." or

"Wow thats a really big bulge in your pants...wanna go on a date?"

I mean, alot of people have said that, (men and women), but nobody ever came up to me and said:
"Wow youve got a really big brain....! I'd like to go out with you..."
and I swear -- the first person that ever says that to me -- I swear I'll marry them...

i mean that is -- if they want to marry me also -- and I'll shower them with affection and surround them with my favorite flowers - which are white Irises' -- even though it might not be their favorite flower...

well - i guess theres somebody for everyone -- I mean I hope so...
and when I find that person we'll eat the beautiful ice cream together -- with yep 12 year smiles of joy on our faces-- together..and let the porn dvd just loop around all night and not even watch it but simply just sit there alone -- together -- with each other and hold hands -- while telling all our friends--- that really --- were sorry because we cant go to their ah -- really cool -- exicitng ah totally boring parties....
ok well - i think Ive said enough for one friday night -- and no I'am NOT going back to watching tv -- no -- no way....
not even CSI - the special edition....

No - i think I'll just sit here and ah -- play with my big...brain...
until then - your friend

ps -- Eventhough I'am a graduate of the most grueling and toughest cooking school in the world -- LeCordon Bleu, I still always end of eating frozen "Tv" dinners every night -- eventhough I really, dont ever watch Tv....but there Amy's Organic -- so I guess it's ok...
if anyone reads this -- I'am thinking about getting a new tattoo...
any takers for suggestions ?
thnkxx and have a good night...
ur bud kirk

Date: Jun 11, 2007 10:01 AM

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Christopher

Body: I thank god and the universe for you and your existence here ..and knowing you - and being able to write you and listen to your words...


I pray that whatever you need or want -- its on its way to you -- immediatley -- without effort or struggle...

thank you - Sean


... give up on what?

a simple question... but still at the core...

give up on what?

Remember that which we are all bound by - fundementally and truthfully.

We are born with no awareness but this place - this life.

Yes, we may grow to see beyond it.

Yes, we may remember things beyond it.

But we start off with wonder.

We live in wonder and our life is exploration.

so... to give up would be an indication that no more is needed...

or perhaps - wanted.

Whenever I feel like giving up - I take myself back to the fundemental.

Everything happens for a reason.

If I am alive... there is a reason.

If I am alive... there is something I can learn.

Perhaps... something I need to.

Forget everyone else... noone else is needed.

Life is not about removing our fear of death.

Life is a period of growth - of maturity.

Whatever we are called upon to do in this life - we must never forget our fundemental purpose... to grow ourselves.

If we take it upon ourselves to do more, then we are accepting that responsibility upon ourselves - because we're supposed to be capable - because we wanted and asked to be capable.

And although this may take us above many things - it will never excuse us... because we ARE here and therefore there are basic lessons that have to remain.

Love, responsibility for life must always include your own - otherwise it is a lesson still left to learn.

Regardless of what we think we know, anything less I would say forfeits the very reason we're here.

Regardless of how many times we've been here - that's always part of the lesson... one that must be relearned each time.

Now - this is not in light of people stricken with conditions that make life unbearable physically or otherwise - for that is a different conversation.

and not one we're really talking about here.

So... now that we've covered the extreme fundemental 'giving up' - we can branch out further...

My thoughts have always been this... in an afterlife of spirits - we would simply be spirits within a body.

still spirits...

so... feel like moving on?

What do spirits do? what do they feel? worry about?

well... be a spirit.

If instead giving up is not because you feel nothing more is needed - but instead nothing else is working - than no matter what, it denotes a need to learn something.

Nobody is made to give up.

Nobody is made to only go 'so far.'

If you feel nothing is happening in a certain direction - then perhaps you aren't fully aware of the directions you should be going.

If something has stalled - perhaps you're forcing something that shouldn't.

You're experience has grown you to know a great many things... you've removed stresses most people will suffer with their entire lives and more.

Never give up on that...

if anything - if worst case scenario... simply start fresh.

Reincarnate yourself in this life.

Re-awaken as if born anew - right now.

You have the benefit of your wisdom.

You have a body that only you know.

A mind noone has yet seen.

What will do you differently?

Will you still hold grudges?




Things are new...

Things are here.

Perhaps all you need is a change.


give up on what?



----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: kirk tv / Sean

Date: Jun 10, 2007 6:36 PM

so help me --

what do you do when u want to just give up??

oh yes... I know - and I am greatly trying on how to achieve my abundance securely enough to give it successfully to whom I need.

I just cannot be settled until then - and that bothers me, in that I hope I'm not sacraficing my joy for nothing.

I've been in a rut - pulled the rubberband too far back and I have been strained - but it has been in the hopes to propel me far... at least far enough.

I needed direction - a path in which to let myself go down with all the force I have accumulated.

I've been house/dog sitting for my friend Russell as he vacationed with him mum to Santa Barbra. I stood in the kitchen thinking alone. I had felt stuck - unable to find my route and thus all momentum stalled until I was shown a thread in which to work. I was good at writing essays on a topic given - but I had nowhere to start on my own... and then there were the 6 perfections - offered as chapters to the book I've been trying to write my whole life.

I looked up and through to the living room lay draped over Russell's window was a cloth curtain of Ganesh.

And I found an obstacle removed.

I'm pretty familiar with Ganesh but when I spoke to Russell later I told him it was Brahma that I had felt. And so to both I hold homage to.

And to you.

I don't know if I'll actually write the book - but the point has been made I feel and I see things more clearly now. The book in my head has been written - and at least better organized...



may they help me to my goal.


- Christopher

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: kirk tv / Sean

Date: Jun 9, 2007 12:58 PM

hey theres enough poverty and pain and misery in the world - its time we had some abundance and joy and love....



----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: christopher

Date: Jun 9, 2007 3:55 PM

received joyously...

sorry I haven't responded recently as I have should - you've inspired me to think about the 6 perfections and I'll soon put up my take on them... something I hope to expand upon, but I will post my initial ideas.

Then I will respond on how you, Brahma and Ganesh got me there...




----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: kirk tv / Sean

Date: Jun 9, 2007 6:13 AM

sending you some love..... 


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